Baby Steps

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"Go fetch"

I gasp for air, opening my eyes to the darkness. As I get used to the light, trying to focus my eyes on the shapes around me, I can feel the wet grass beneath my body.

Finally, I can recognize the shapes around me; trees. Very tall trees covered in moss and slightly hidden by the thin constant rain falling on me. I try to stand up but fall a few times, like a baby, until I can finally secure my feet on the wet ground.

I can feel the naked skin on my arms and legs, so I look down at my body. I'm only wearing is a thin swimsuit-like piece of clothing. What...

I run my hands through my body, trying to make sense of all this, when my fingers lay on a cold metal circle attached to the clothing at the base of my neck. My mind is racing, and I can feel the adrenaline running through my veins as I start to panic. What am I doing in this... forest?

The sounds around me make my heart race and fill it with fear. Just the faint moonlight coming through the branches illuminates the space around. A loud snap sound startles me, making me jump and look around in fear. I can't see anything, and my mind is playing tricks on me. The faint lights appear to be a pair of hungry eyes staring at me, waiting to swallow me whole. I can barely breathe. I can't take it anymore, so I turn around and run nowhere. I can't tell if I'm running away or towards something, but I wasn't going to sit still and become dinner to whatever animal was lingering in these woods.

As I run, the rain gets stronger. Each drop feels like the tip of a knife poking my skin, making it even harder to move. I can't tell if I'm going forward or in circles. Running to the top of a steep hill ahead of me, I stop and take a deep breath, looking around, barely able to see anything or organize my mind.

There's nothing. Nobody. I'm alone. I look around even more desperately, trying to find a way out, and then I see it. A small light, coming from within the trees in a straight line. A city? No... it can't be. A house? In the middle of a forest? Who would live... here? Those questions were in my mind only for a second before I started running straight to the light. The little spark of hope in my heart moved me towards it without a second thought. I'm not alone. I can find help!

My legs suddenly slow down as I finally see where the light is coming from. It wasn't my mind playing tricks on me this time. What's in front of me now is as real as the freezing rain falling on my head.

A house. An enormous house right in the middle of a forest. Windows lining up, covering the walls and filling the air with light. The red brick makes it glow and look like a mirage in the desert.

The path to the house is wide open, except for a few trees decorating the garden. In the middle of a forest, a home without a single fence? I approach it carefully, looking to the windows, trying to catch a glimpse of the inside.

As I scan the windows, I lock eyes with a person. Startled, I hide behind a tree, my heart jumping out of my chest. Did he see me?!? I'm panicking again. Ok, calm down. It's fine. I'll be fine. I found help. Whoever lives there will help me. I don't have to freeze to death now. It will be all right. Needing a minute to get it together, I make a list on my head, trying to organize the chaos in my mind. Ok, what do we have so far?

First, I'm completely lost. I have no idea where I am. Second, this fantastic house in front of me is my only hope to survive the night. If I have to sleep outside, I'll either freeze to death or be eaten by a bear or a wolf. My choice should be obvious, but I still hesitate. Who would live in a house in the middle of the woods? My mind goes crazy, going from "murderers" to "psychopaths." They could be a family too. Like, a charming family that likes to live near nature. Or a wealthy family that enjoys a little privacy and that might shoot whoever trespasses into their property.

I take one more peek into the windows and freeze in place. He's looking at me. The person in the window is looking straight at me. It's now or never. I step into the light and wave my hand in the air. He disappears for a moment. Here we go.

I approach the house and walk towards the nearest door. What's it gonna be? A gun or a hand? The door opens, and I lay eyes upon the stranger, my body feeling warmth for the first time since I woke up.

The most beautiful woman comes out of the door. Her perfect wavy hair and hazel eyes shone in the light reflecting against her porcelain skin. I can't believe my eyes. She puts an umbrella over my head and asks, —Are you all right?

Her voice is like a spell I can feel in my soul. My muscles melt, and I can't stand up. She holds me before I fall to the ground, and I look at her face one last time, then all is darkness.

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