*~flower garden~*

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A/n- so I know I haven't posted in a bit I've been busy. so here this lovely little story. its angsty and fluffy :] its a revivebur/ghostbur story. using they/them pronouns. tw: swearing mention of death. this is not revised 


gunpower and dirt was a very distinguished smell at the time of his death. the ground shook but only for a minute at least before the explosions went off, heavy footsteps and running on rubble boomed through the head of [y/n] as they stand at the sight of their home getting blown up.

flower petals fall gracefully from the sky mixing with smoke from the explosion while everyone watches in horror was the once mighty president Wilbur soot collapse to the floor dead, killed by his own father. Wilbur might have been the lover of [y/n] but he got what he deserved, he ruined their flower field. that prick paid his price.

-present day-

it's been 3 months, and [y/n] has gotten over the fact that their lover is dead because they were left with a nicer and quieter version. ghostbur was his name, he often helped in [y/n]'s new garden helping them regrow all the crops and flowers that once where there. today ghostbur was later than he normally is, he eventually does show up giving [y/n] cold hug "sorry I was late tommy wanted to talk with me" he floats around them with an apogeic voice.

"Oh, what did tommy want to talk with you about?" [y/n] ask wiping their hands off on a towel, "he said to meet him somewhere so we could have some time together, he seemed very excited about it" [y/n] raises a brow in confusion "well that sounds fun so when are you guys gonna meet?" they ask handing him a pot with poppies in it. "Oh, he said around 7 p.m. so have time to eat with you night" he gives them a peck on cheek making a light blush spread across their face. " wilb- I mean ghostbur that's very sweet of you but we both know the food would only fall right through your feet" [y/n] gives out a light chuckle while watching him try to shove the flower into the ground with the pot still on "let me help you there love"

the day with their dead and better boyfriend was lovely as always, but it was now time for him to go meet up with tommy he promised that he would come back later after he was done. it's been 5 hours and knowing tommy and ghostburs stupid and Nieve dementor something bad has happened. [y/n] quickly grabs their axe and hurry around the smp trying to find someone to help them, sure enough they stumble across tommy, tubbo, and ranboo but no ghostbur. "Boys! have any of you seen ghostbur?" tommy slowly looks at [y/n] his eyes carried the impression he was scared and worried, "tommy? what happened? where's Wilbur?" they put a hand on his shoulder to try and comfort him but to no avail he just stares at his feet. they let a sigh and step up next to ranboo and tubbo " boo? bee? what happened" ranboo looks at tubbo and nods, "Hes... back [y/n] ... Wilbur's back" tubbo says quietly almost whispering.

Hes back? how? why? they were so confused. this has to be a joke, right? a familiar laugh echos from above, [y/n] jerks their head to the tall rock formation ahead, he really is back. This is bad. [y/n] bolts up the hill not completely ready to face their worst nightmare. Wilbur soot.  their lover that they had once been madly in love with at least before he decided to complete push them aside and blow up their home, and their garden.  as [y/n] turns the corner almost wiping out they slam into something...or someone, a very familiar someone with a very familiar chest. "Well, well, well ... if it isn't the one and only [y/n]" the voice coos into their ear making them jump back and make eye contact with a pair of warm brown eyes filled with lust. "I'm dreaming aren't I" [y/n] laughs out their brows furrowed confusion, Wilbur shakes his head leaning down the tips of their noses touching " I promise you it's not, this" he motions to himself with his cocky grin " is all really Hun" he grabs their jaw bringing them into a soft and gentle kiss, he pulls away " it's been 3-year sense I've felt your touch, only watching. Watching you behind the eyes of that stupid ghost freak, watching as he got to hug you, kiss you, be with you. it was torture you know." [y/n] scoffs slapping his hand away from them. "you're sickening you know that. you ignored me and pushed me away only to have your only father kill you. what kind of sick fuck does that" they yell at him only to have him give them a sadden look "love I'm sorry I just didn't want to hurt you, but I see I only made it worst, I'm sorry" 

it was a lie and [y/n] knew that but something in them wanted to believe it, "oh don't play that shit on me Wilbur I know your tricks, I'm not falling for that shit." they shove their finger into his chest, but he just falls to his knees, crying?  he was crying real tears. "it's not a lie I truly am sorry [y/n], you're the only one for me I need you." it was too much they knew they would regret this later, but they just wanted the old him back. [y/n] falls onto their knees tear threatening spill " I missed you Wilbur" the two embrace, smothering each other in kisses and sweet nothings in the ears. the sun raised behind the two, at the time moment was pure bliss but it wouldn't last long. [y/n] made a grave mistake.

a/n: heyy lets go a story woop woop. i hope you enjoyed bye.    

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2022 ⏰

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