"Hey! I know you. You were at Bishop Inc. today."

"Right! You were the receptionist. I'm sorry but I don't think I caught your name."

"I'm Quinn," She said while extending her hand out to me. I shook her perfectly manicured hand.

"Pleasure to meet you, Quinn. I'm Darcy," I replied. She gave me a bright smile and turned away for a moment to grab her pink fruity drink from the bartender.

"What are you drinking, Darcy?"

"Just a Jack and Coke." I told her, stirring my drink with my straw.

She turned back to the bartender and said, "And another Jack and Coke please!" He acknowledged her with a nod as he grabbed a glass and filled it with ice. "So," Quinn started, "Tell me about your boss. Mr. Handsome."

I nearly spat out my drink.

"Super creepy and not my type," I replied.

"Well, the female employees seem to enjoy his company." She giggled while gesturing over to the dance floor where an intoxicated Mr. Barrett was dancing with a few women. I waved them off as I finished my third drink. I waved at the bartender who started making me another.

"How long have you worked for Colton Bishop?" I asked.

Quinn tapped her chin as she was thinking. "About 6 years now I believe. He's tough, but fair. Decent to look at too," She said while she cocked an eyebrow at me.

I picked up my fourth drink. I rarely ever drank so I was definitely starting to feel the alcohol. My face felt warm, and my body started to sway to the music. I downed the rest of the sweet yet burning liquid. Quinn laughed and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Darcy, I think maybe you should drink some water." I swatted her hand away from me and grabbed her arm.

"I think maybe we should dance," I countered.

I dragged Quinn to the middle of the dance floor with me. She ran her hands down to my hips as we both giggled like teenagers and swayed to the music.

Thank God for Quinn. She could actually keep rhythm, unlike me. She spun me around until my back was pressed against her and with her hands on my waist, she helped me keep up with the beat.

We danced until my legs ached and my hair stuck to the sweat on my neck. I leaned up and half yelled in her ear that I was going to the bathroom. She shot me a wink and a thumbs up as I stumbled off the dance floor.

I placed my hand on the wall to keep me steady as I walked to the restroom. My feet were killing me, and the club was packed, making the air stuffy. I used the restroom and washed my hands, splashing a little water on my face.

Once I left the bathroom, I went through the side door of the club and stepped outside. I took in a deep breath of the cool night air and leaned back against the cement building. The side door opened, and Matthew Barrett stumbled out. I stood up straight and went to push past him to go back inside when Barrett reached out and grabbed my wrist.

"Glad you made it. Enjoying yourself?"

I gave him a small smile. I went to pull my arm from his hand, but he tightened his grip.

"Darcy, I asked you a question. Are you enjoying yourself?"

I gave my arm another tug before I answered. "I am, thank you. I'd like to go back inside now."

Barrett laughed. His dark hair was feral, and his bloodshot eyes lingered on my breasts for a few seconds too long. He took a step towards me. His large frame towered over mine. I took a step back and bumped into the wall.

"Well, it definitely looked like you were having fun." He said while tightening his grip on my wrist.

"Matthew, stop, you're hurting me." I skipped the formalities and went straight to his first name.

"I mean what the FUCK, Darcy?" Barrett screamed as he let go of my wrist and smacked the wall on either side of my head. "You continue to turn me down. Every single time I make a move, you fucking turn me down. And then you show up here and dance like that knowing I'm watching?" Barrett was so furious he was spitting on my face as he yelled.

"It's not like that," I reasoned.

My sentence was cut short by a sharp sting on my face. I tasted blood in my mouth. I looked up to Barrett's hand raised. The fucker hit me.

"SHUT UP. I should've known from the first time I first saw you. You are nothing but a whore." He wrapped his hand around my throat while his other hand traveled up my dress and sharply gripped my bare ass.

"Mr. Barrett. Stop."

He tightened his grip around my throat, cutting off my air supply. I squeezed my eyes shut preparing for the worst. I heard a bang and Barrett's hand dropped from my throat. I collapsed to the ground on my knees gasping for air while my hands clawed at my neck.

I crawled a few feet away before I turned around to see what happened. Colton Bishop stood over Barrett's body; his gun still aimed at his head. I looked down at my clothes and saw Barrett's blood covering my dress. My hands started shaking and my breaths came out short and ragged.

Colton put his gun down by his side and took a step towards me. I jumped to my feet then pulled my high heel off my foot and held it up, prepared to use it as a weapon.

"Stay the fuck back, Bishop!" He took another step closer, and I scrambled backwards again.

"I fucking mean it! Don't you fucking come near me!" I screeched, still clutching my heel.

The side door opened again and two men in black shirts and dress pants walked out and stood to the side of Colton. One of them took a look at Barrett's body and let out a small laugh.

"Well, it was gonna happen anyway. Guess it was just sooner instead of later."

I kicked my other shoe off and quickly took off down the sidewalk.

"Miss Miller!" Colton called after me. I picked up the pace. I heard Colton sigh as he turned to his employees.

"Take care of this piece of shit," He gruffed.

I could hear him approaching behind me. When he got close enough, he placed one of his hands on my shoulder. I spun around and smacked his hand away while I sobbed.

"Don't touch me. Don't EVER fucking touch me!"

I wrapped my arms around my body and my limbs began to tremble again as fear and adrenaline continued to course through my veins. I backed into the wall of a building lining the sidewalk. I slid down until I was sitting on the cement, wrapping my arms around my legs. My chest heaved as I tried to control my breathing. It was like I couldn't breathe; my lungs wouldn't fill up with air. The more I tried to breathe the worse it got.

Then darkness clouded my vision.

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