Apartment Makeover

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Today was the day me and Dylan were gonna finally going to decorate the apartment. Classes were cancelled because of some incident on campus,, so we knew it to be a perfect opportunity to do this!

We're already on our way to Home Depot to go pick up supplies!

"Well little one, what colors would you like to paint the walls?" Dylan asked, placing his hand on my thigh and giving it a little squeeze.

"Hmm, I'm not certain! It definitely has to be something pastel!" I squealed, which made Dylan grin, he always loves when I make those cute noises.

We arrived at Home Depot and was able to find a parking spot pretty easily, which was surprising. I held Dylan's hand as we crossed the street and entered.

As soon as I entered, the smell of paint just came rushing through my nose, and I loved it. I have no idea, but I just love the smell of paint. I one time bought a paint pallet just for the smell.

Dylan and I walked towards the paints were of course the smell got only stronger, which I again love.

I was walking towards the blue section where the blue paints were, when some man bumped into me.

"Watch where you're going," he snarled at me, making me scared.

Hands were wrapped around my waist, I turned my head looking back seeing Dylan glaring at the man.

His cologne was stronger to the paints surrounding us, it smelled so good.

His grip went a bit tighter as he kept glaring at the rude man "is there something wrong," he questioned,, but it sounded more like a warning to back off.

"Uh n-no, I just wasn't paying attention," the man stuttered then jogged away from us.

Dylan leaned down to my ear "If anyone bothers you let me know, I'm always here," he whispered in my ear then walked away back to the paints he was looking at.

I felt my face overheating, I know he sometimes doesn't try to make me blush, but he's excellent at that.

I placed my hand on the place his hand was on my waist. A small smiled formed on my face, but I quickly went back to looking back at the paints, I didn't want anyone seeing me in this position. They'll probably think I'm weird.

Blue was such a beautiful color, and I knew that had to be the one I wanted.

After looking at the colors I've decided to go with baby blue, I walked over to Dylan who was looking at different color yellows and tapped on his shoulder.

He looked down at me, "did you find something little one," he questioned, but this question was sweet and not a warning like to the other man.

"Mhm, I want baby blue!" I said bouncing on the heels of my foot, which made him happy. He patted my head, "okay sweetheart, lead the way."

I grabbed his hand and we both walked over to the baby blue paint. "Excellent choice," he grabbed 2 buckets of the paint.

"Let me help, I can do something," I reached over to grab the paint, but he didn't let me know.

"If you want to do something, you can pay him with my money with my wallet because my hands are tied up." I knew the reason why he kept saying "my" because he didn't want me to pay with my wallet.

He loves spoiling me, and he doesn't want me to pay for anything, but it's not fair and I'm going to pay today.

I laughed and nodded my head as we started walking to the cashier.

She scanned the bar codes on the paint and I took out my wallet, which made me hear a groan from the side.

"Baby, don't you dare," he whispered so the cashier couldn't hear us.

I gave him a sly smirk and handed the cashier my money.

After we got the receipt, we headed towards for the car, while also listening to a whiny Dylan.


We were now in our dorm putting on aprons before we started painting. Before we left for Home Depot, we already moved our furniture to the side, taped the parts we don't want to get paint on; Dylan borrowed paint supplies from his friend, Jacob.

I'm actually going to be meeting Jacob and some of Dylan's other friends. I'm really nervous about that, I hope they like me. Dylan kept reassuring me that everything will go fine, but he can't predict the future. At least, I don't think so.

Dylan opened the paint buckets, and we instantly got to painting. I loved how the white started becoming the blue, this was the room I wanted for so long and I'm finally getting it.

Dylan told me he wasn't really looking at the paints at all, he was looking at me, waiting for me to make a decision. He said he didn't mind the color of the walls as long as I liked it and wanted it.

He always knew the words to say to make those butterflies move in my stomach.

As I reached for another layer of paint to put on the wall a wonderful idea came into my head. I dipped the paint brush into the bucket of paint and turned to Dylan.

I started painting his back while giggling.

"Ah I see now princess," he slowly turns around, "I guess we'll be playing this game then." The next moment, there was paint painted across my face.

Oh! If this is paint war it is, this is paint war he'll get.

I dipped my entire hands in the bucket and smeared it on his neck, which made him shiver.

"Oh come here, little one!" He copied what I did, but before he could touch me, I ran away.


Dylan and I were laying on the floor, both of us trying to catch our breaths. Both of our bodies were covered with paint, we had more paint on us then the actual wall.

"You do realize we're going to have to go and get more paints, right?"

"Yeah, I know."

"You want to walk into Home Depot with paint all over us while everyone just stares at us like we're some huge blue smurfs," Dylan asked while laughing.

"Heck Yeah!"


My Little RoomateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang