Nothing Wrong About Being Little

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I felt myself stirring on the couch, accidentally dropping Lucy onto the ground. I had an outstanding night, and hopefully I can have it again some time. Likewise, I know that "some time" is going to be a long time from now. Who knows the next time Dylan will be working late again.

Soon, the smell of bacon hit my nose. I was so confused and realized it was 9:21a.m so not only did I miss my classes, Dylan came home!

I looked up from the couch where I could see our small kitchen and saw Dylan stirring some bacon in a pan. I looked back down at the couch and saw a blanket over me.

I definitely know I didn't put that blanket there. My paci was still in my mouth, and immediately threw it to the floor. I couldn't think straight.

Does he know? What could he be thinking about me?

Suddenly, my breathing started getting heavy, I was having a panic attack.

"Little one," I heard Dylan's footsteps coming towards me and my breathing got worse.

"Hey, hey calm down, breathe with me ok, in and out," Dylan calmly said trying to help my breathing get back to normal. My breathing started getting back to normal as he guided me to how to breathe again.

I leaned on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me. I felt comfortable, I felt safe.

I was waiting the entire time for Dylan to say something about what he saw last night, but he didn't say anything. He just kept his arms around me. We stayed in a comfortable silence for about 10 minutes, until we started smelling the bacon burning and Dylan had to run to get them while I stayed there laughing.

While Dylan went to fix the bacon problem, I went to start putting my stuff away.

"I'm sorry Lucy," I apologized to Lucy for dropping her on the floor, then gently put your back on my bed.

I walked over to the table, where Dylan had a plate of waffles and kind of burnt bacon waiting for me.

I immediately digged in, I looked up at Dylan and he raised his eyebrow. I understood what he wanted me to say. After swallowing a chunk of my food, I opened my mouth, "Thank you, Dylan." He smiled and went over and patted my head, which made me very happy.

He went to sit down himself and started eating with me. "Hey, what is up with all the stuffies," he asked, taking a sip of his orange juice and glancing at my new friends.

"Well, um, they all looked so cute at Walmart, so I wanted to give them a home..." I sip my orange juice as well while turning away from him with embarrassment.

Dylan chuckled, "I saw the receipt sunshine you paid 158.73 for stuff animals, I get they're cute and all buy you have to use your money more wisely."

"I know," I mumbled, "but they needed a home."

He sighed, "ok but no more stuffies, your bed is full of them, in fact when you were sleeping some fell onto the floor." He chuckled and went back to eating.

I gulped, "so um you did see me with the paci, onesie, and cuddling with Lucy," I wanted to fly away from here.

"Well you're still wearing your onesie right now," He pointed to me and I didn't even realize. Gosh, how embarrassing. "It's ok to be a little, it's a way people cope with things. Agere is a wonderful community and I'm actually kind of glad I found someone else who's apart from it," Dylan confessed.

"Wait, what your..."

He nodded his head "I'm a caregiver myself, was one for 2 years, I used to take care of littles and be their temporary caregiver until they found a permanent caregiver."

Wow, ok, wow! He is a caregiver! Oh my gosh, I can't believe this is happening.

He decided to keep speaking, "I've decided that I wanted to get a permanent little myself though, I honestly got jealous seeing other caregivers taking care of littles and I wanted to do that for just that one perfect little."

We then made eye contact, I kept questioning in my head should I say something. I've never had a caregiver before, I don't know what it's like, and I'm scared how it's going to go. I mean maybe it would be nice if Dylan became my caregiver, wait wait stop saying this to yourself he didn't even ask, who knows if he even wants you. What if you're not even his type?

Ok calm yourself down Alexis, you might have a panic attack again, which would cause Dylan to wrap his arms around you and whisper into your ear. That would be a win win situation but let's not do that right now.

I decided to change the subject for now and bring it up another time.

"You missed your classes?" I questioned, realizing he should be in class right now.

"Well yeah, I didn't know if you were still going to be in your headspace when you woke, so I know I needed to be here, you just in case," he explained.

Just like that I immediately started blushing, only knew this boy for 3 days and he has made me very happy. Yeah, I'm definitely considering asking him to be my caregiver someday.

After breakfast, Dylan went to wash the dishes and I took care of my personal hygiene.

Since I had nothing to do today, I just sat on the couch and sighed sadly. I really needed to make more friends and I wasn't gonna talk to Alex. I bet he's making out with Lola now. Yuck!

"What's up sunshine," Dylan walked over sitting next to me on the couch. "Bored," I mumbled, I turned to Dylan and saw him trying to think of something. Then he got up and bent over. "What are you doing," I asked, why he's putting himself in such a position.

"Want a horsey ride," he turned with a grin on his face, which made me smile and nodded my head eagerly. I climbed onto his back and kicked his sides gently.

"GO GO!" He laughed, "Yes, my Princess!" Then he started walking around the house and I was afraid I was gonna fall but he held on to my legs tightly.

"Don't worry, a king would never let his princess fall."


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