"Paul, can you tell me has Hugh been charged, do I have to testify?" Paul looked down at his hand and said, "he posted bail, we lost track of him it seems he fled the county; his private plane took off the same day he was released!" "Am I safe," she questioned? He said, "as far as we know you are, but you may want to hire a bodyguard for a couple of months if you can afford it." She nodded her head. She offered him a piece of her desert, he was groaning in delight from the taste and asked what it was? She said, "Better then Sex Cake and from the way you are groaning I'd say you agree with the name?" He said, "give me the recipe for my wife please!" She told him "It is on the internet."

She called Joshua and asked if he could come in tomorrow for dinner, she had some leftovers and a cake she wanted rid of, and of course she didn't need to ask him twice. He said also, Claude would like to stay with you, he likes working at the company. Eleanor assured him that would be fine. She also questioned if he knew anybody guards, she could hire telling him what Paul said about Hugh. Then she told him about the car that hit her being involved in a homicide investigation. Joshua couldn't believe that they lost Hugh, but he agreed she needed security. She reminded him not to let Ross know she was back and told him she would see him and Claude tomorrow evening.

Joshua sent her via email a name, phone number, and email for a security group he used in the past.
Eleanor emailed them with her phone number telling them Joshua recommend them and if they could call her asap.
Ross, walked into the kitchen to see his dad on the phone. He wondered if it was Eleanor because his dad was really enjoying the call. Then he heard he would see them tomorrow evening and wondered if he could go with him?

His phone ring while his dad was still on the phone it was Elizabeth again, he ignored her call. She had tried everything she call from Aunt Agatha's phone, and even the servants phone call, Ross wasn't sure how much more he could take? He realized that because of him wanting to help Francis's widow he had given Elizabeth hope that they could be together. But they already tried, and she wasn't what he wanted or needed, if truth be told neither was, he for her!

Once his dad hung up, Ross asked "Dad, have you heard from Eleanor lately?" Joshua answered him the same as always, "I wouldn't try tell you if I had!" Ross gave and exasperated sign, " I have cut ties with Elizabeth, Dad I want to make a life with Eleanor!" "We'll see that baby is to be born soon, has Verity requested a DNA test, I heard she was also sleeping with George while she was sleeping with Francis?" Ross contemplated this he said, "I believe Francis thought it was his, he wouldn't have been willing to raise it if it wasn't."

Joshua told, "I am going into the office with Verity tomorrow then out to eat so I maybe back late or following morning, if I sleep at the penthouse." Ross nodded, thinking it must have been Verity he was speaking to. "Claude is missing work so I am thinking he can stay with Caroline and Dwight until you or I move into the penthouse again. We will bring him home on weekends if he wants or he can stay there it will really be up to him," Joshua said. Ross said, "he does seem to thrive at the company, I think it is good for him." "I think it is good for him to be away from anywhere the witch could show up." Ross groaned "Dad." Joshua said, "There you go defending her again," Joshua had to get Ross to see what a viper she was.

The security firm called Eleanor later Sunday night, she explained about the car accident and then the assault by Hugh and that he was now at large. Jake and ex-military man said he believed he had just the person to be assigned to her. Eleanor kept Garrick close she was worried about Hugh, if he knew she was back, also what Paul told her about a homicide had her unnerved! She would be glad to have Claude's company just someone else to be near her would be comforting.

Ross heard a car door then a knock, it was his farm hand that was plowing the property surrounding Twenwith. He said the Elizabeth came out with her car to the field and refused to leave them plow. Telling them that the property was not to be plowed that could be seen from the house! Ross rubbed his head and said don't do anything more until I talk to the attorney and my father to make sure someone didn't put something into the purchase agreements. He went in and asked his Father if he knew of any stipulations on plowing around Twenwith. Joshua told him it was purchased free and clear to do whatever he wanted. Ross told him he was going to have to check in with Pierce tomorrow. He suggested they drive in together. Joshua told him to let him talk to Pierce, it would do no good for Ross to neglect work that was waiting to be done! Ross didn't think anything of his father talking to his old friend about it, so he agreed.

When Joshua told Claude, to gather, his stuff to take to the penthouse he was overjoyed, he did a little dance singing "Eleanor Carnes but it was really the Beatles song Eleanor Rigby" Joshua was laughing and said you must be quiet, or you will have Ross suspicious. So, Claude whisper song and danced. Claude was so happy that Eleanor was back. Since it had only been a couple of days that they were back on the farm he didn't miss that much work. Joshua knew it meant a lot to Claude; it gave him a sense of accomplishment.

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