Part X (10) Giving Him Guilt

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(Warning: 1 Swear)

Pony is still unconscious in the cell. Willow walks in the building to wake him up.

Willow: Baren, wake him up. I don't care how you do it.

Baren: Yes, Ms. Willow.

Baren yells at Pony so he can wake up.

Pony: H-Huh?! What happened...?

Willow: You attacked Y/N. You're lucky that I decided not to shoot you with my real gun. Due to your actions, we are going to do something special. *Opens cell* follow me. Baren, you stay behind.

Pony: Ugh...

Willow and Pony walk out of the Factory, meanwhile the T.S.P members are still on painting duty.

Pandy: I'm almost done... Felix, keep the ladder steady.

Pandy: Felix?

Pandy looks down...

Pandy: Oh my god...

The ladder starts shaking, and Pandy tries to get control, but it starts to fall.

Pandy: WOAH!!!!!!


Pandy: MEDIC!!!!


Meanwhile, at a Forest...

Willow: There he is.

Pony: So... we are going to infect him?

Willow: Us? US?! No, we are going to propose to him.

Pony: That sounds-

Willow grabs Pony's neck.


Doggy wakes up. "HUH? WHO IS THERE?", He said.

Willow: Crap. Here we go.

Willow howls loudly.

Doggy: It's just howling. Have they forgotten we're in an infection? *goes back to sleep*

Willow: You said I would be guilty for infecting him. So I'm making you infect him, because I don't want to feel guilt, hah.

Pony: Ugh, I can't stand you.

Willow opens the potion and gives pony the potion, and Pony walks up to Doggy.

Pony: Please forgive me...

Pony opens Doggy's mouth, but Doggy wakes up, and barks. but before Doggy could close his mouth, the entire substance went in. Pony ran and dropped the potion, and the potion S H A T T E R E D.

Willow also runs with Pony. "You're finally useful for once!", she said. Willow kisses Pony on the lips (Don't worry, Willow isn't going to cheat on Y/N), but they hit a tree. They see on get up again and run to the Factory.

Willow: Yep... I'm never gonna kiss while running again. Totally bad idea.

Pony: (She just kissed me for all I did... If Y/N saw us kissing, he would be PISSED!)

Willow and Pony enter the Factory. Y/N and the other T.S.P members are glad to see them.

Y/N: Hey, Willow! Hey, Pony! Pony? Why are you blushing? Did something happen? Did you kiss Willow?

Pony blushes even more. You know that they kissed, but you're fine with that.

Y/N: I'm pretty sure you guys kissed. But that's okay! I wouldn't blame you.

Pony: (That isn't the whole story, though...)

Pony still comes back to his senses, knowing what he did.

Pony: I'm going back to my room. See you.

Willow: Hmph.

Y/N: ?


Kitty: MEDIC!!!!!!


Willow: Maybe it was a bad idea to put everyone on Painting Duty.

(End of Part X)

A Caring Wolf (Willow X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now