Part 9: The Hospital

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Y/N: Hey guys, we arrived!

Willow: Oh yes we did~

The hospital is in front of you all. Looks like Team A (Willow's Team) is going in.

But before her team enters the hospital, she walks up to you.

Willow: Now do me a favor. Make sure they behave, and if any of them don't follow your orders, tell me and I'll teach them a lesson. Do you understand?

Y/N: Yeah, I do.

Willow: Good, then!

She kisses you on the cheek, then walks away and goes into the hospital. You hide your cheeks that were blushing, so they couldn't see your face from that kiss Willow gave. Some of the members even say you're lucky. Anyways, you focus on the mission. You change your team's formations, from shoulder to shoulder to a full circle, just in case anyone gets tired.

Meanwhile, in the hospital...

Willow: Pony, use that wrench to open the door.

Pony: Ok.

Pony uses the wrench, and the door opens up, showing Substance-128.

Willow: There it is, in all of its glory!

Pony: Even looking at the potion, the green substance inside is giving be a bad feeling. Willow, we should leave-

Willow: No. Since you asked so much, I have a special task for you after this.

Pony: (Oh, boy...)

Willow grabs the potion, and leads her team out of the hospital.

Back to you...

The yawning of your team may have caused some noise, leading a few infected to your location. Even though being tired, you knock the infected down. One of your team members spot two little female zebras, out in the open. Your team looks at you, waiting for your command if they should shoot little girls with their dart guns, and take them away. You wonder, "What if they have a younger sibling who needs to be taken care of? An older sibling that is taking care of them? Parents who are looking for them? Who knows?" You make your final decision. You say "We confront them, but not dart them. We tell them to run.". Your team agrees. You walk up to the little girls, and tell your team to not follow.

Y/N: Hello little girls, what are your names-

The zebra in light pink clothing hits you in the head, with a Sewer Pipe. You get 2 questions in your head. How did she get a sewer pipe? Did she go in the sewers or something? And second, that hurt a lot!

Your team at the back is about to reach for their dart guns, but you give them a signal not to. Then, the zebra in hot pink clothing speaks up. "My name is Zuzy, and this is Zee. She can't speak."

Y/N: Ah, ok. Well, you girls need to get out of this area. Anywhere but here.

Zuzy: We can handle ourselves, you know.

Y/N: Well, judging by my head hurting from that sewer pipe, I'm sure you can. But 2 little girls fighting to who knows how many infected isn't going to work for you.

Zuzy: I guess you're right... Zee, lets go.

Zee and Zuzy walk away. But Pony was watching from the window. He knew who Zee and Zuzy were already, and he had a feeling you did something bad with them.

He rushed downstairs, and broke out of Willow's lead. Willow was confused on why Pony was going faster than her. Pony soon reaches the bottom floor, and exits the hospital. You turn around, and see an angry Pony going at you. He lunges at you, and starts punching you. You are confused, but also screaming. You punch him back and get him off of you. You do a reverse somersault and stand up.

Y/N: Pony?! What was that for? What did I do?

Pony: I saw what you did. Zee hit you with a sewer pipe, you were going to harm them, weren't you?

Y/N: Use some common sense, Pony! We're in the middle of an infection, there is something called Self Defense.

Pony charges a punch at you, but then falls onto the ground. It was Willow, with her dart gun. She was MAD.

Willow: Why the heck didn't any of you do anything? Was that entertaining? Y/N could've got seriously hurt! You know what? You are all of painting duty. As for Pony? Lock him up.

Willow walks up to you, worried.

Willow: Y/N? Are you okay? Anything hurt?

Y/N: Not really. (Ow.) My head kind of hurts from that kid.

Willow: Which kid?

Y/N: A kid named Zee. She hit me with a sewer pipe. I told her to run away.

Willow: Now I know that my commands were to dart anyone in sight, but I don't feel like my faction should dart little kids, since they probably have a family member or relative looking for them. Anyways, let's return, to the Factory... Darling.

(End of Part 9)

A Caring Wolf (Willow X Male Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin