Part 8: Substance-128

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Time Skip (4 Weeks Later)

You, Willow, Katie, Pony, and other people have formed a team called The Silver Paw. The Female members wear a gray dress, gray beret, blackish leggings and black gloves. The Male members wear gray, sleeveless shirt, gray beret, blackish pants and black bracelets around their wrists.

You guys live in the Factory as the main base, along with a few Refineries. You share a room with Willow in the refinery, since she made you the Co-Leader. Cool, right? Anyways, Willow was listening to the radio inside the room while spinning her globe, until the radio said something that caught her attention.

Radio: The Infection... what caused the infection was the cure Mr. P gave to people, so he could test out if the cure could cure his sick wife. Many of these people got the shot, and said they felt stronger, so he didn't hesitate to give it to his wife. But his wife went berserk, and ran away, other people also had the same personality as her, becoming aggressive and running away, or hurting other people. A scientist that worked on the cure says "He didn't give us time to finish it, so there would be extreme side-effects. He wanted to keep a secret that he rushed us to make the cure, though." The rushed cure is called Substance-128. If someone drinks Substance-128, or gets hit by an infected, they will become an infected. One of the locations that has this substance is a Hospital in Lucella. That is all.

Willow turns off the radio, with an evil smile. And starts to make an announcement for everyone to meet at her room. About 5 minutes later, most of the members are in the room.

Katie: What did you call us for, Willow?

Willow: I called you all, because all of us have to go on a mission.

Pony: All of us?! How big is this mission?

Willow: Really big. We need to go to in the city of Lucella, enter the hospital, and het Substance-128.

Pandy: What is Substance-128?

Substance-128 is the thing that has been turning people into infected. We need to get it.

Pony: Why do we need it? I don't think any of us are smart enough to make a cure out of it.

Willow: You're right, we aren't smart enough to make a cure out of it. We will infect someone with it.

Everyone (Except Willow and Y/N): WHAT?!

Pandy: I DON'T think that's a good idea. We will just be helping the infection!

Katie: I don't want to see someone suffer from something that doesn't have a cure!

Felix: We have to be nice. We're ALL in this together! We shouldn't infect someone with it!

Pony: Are you INSANE? You're gonna be guilty for doing that later!

More of the members keep arguing and discussing why yelling. You look at Willow with a worried face and she seems angry. The members of The Silver Paw keep arguing until Willow finally loses it.

Pony: We should NOT go to-


Absolute Silence.

Willow: L-L-Look, the reason WHY we are getting Substance-128 is because we are going to use it in that stupid dog, Doggy!

Pandy: But why?

Willow: When I lived in the Alleys, I was being chased, and he took my friend Rash to prison, AND he shot a damn bullet in my arm! Katie, you remember taking out that bullet in my arm, right?

Katie: Yeah... I remember. (She thinks to herself, how did that bullet get stuck anyway? It should have gone through...)

Pony speaks up.

Pony: But if you infect Doggy, you will be guilty, and help the cause of the infection-

Willow: SHUT UP, PONY! Can you not speak for 5 minutes? Speak up one more time, and I will watch a tutorial on how to stitch someone's mouth shut.

Pony stops talking.

Willow: Thank you. Now, people on Team A, which is my team will receive Substance-128. Team B, which is Y/N's team will be outside of the hospital, to watch if any people or infected are going to the hospital. If you see a person, shoot them with your dart guns. If you see an infected, attack them with your normal weapons. Everyone got that?

Everyone (Except Willow and Y/N): Got it!

Willow starts picking who is on your team, and tells you that you can wait outside. You go outside and wait. A few minutes later, everyone starts coming out. The people on Team B follow you on the right exit of the factory, and people on Team A follow Willow on the left exit of the factory. Team A will go first, then your team will follow. You know this is going to be a successful mission.

End of Part 8

(Also, thanks to the Piggy Wiki for helping me describe the uniforms of The Silver Paw.) 

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