Fever Dream

913 3 17

(Note: This is a Dream and Lemon (kind of). I'm warning you. If you don't like lemons please skip to the next part since this dream doesn't affect anything.)

(I'm warning you)

(I'm serious)

(Final Warning. If you don't like lemons move to the next part.)

(It's gonna start now I warned you)

You are in some strange room. You have no idea where you are. Suddenly, Willow walks in the room.

Willow: want to have tea?

Y/N: Sure, I guess.

Willow. Do you like your tea hot?

Y/N: Yes.

Then they drank tea.

Willow: Shut up!

Y/N: No!

Willow then sits on you and you punch her out of the ceiling.

Willow: What the heck? I am filing a lawsuit.

You tell her not to and start crying.

You look stupid and you start being stupid a little.

Willow: Do you think I'm stupid or something?

Y/N: Well... yeah.

Willow: Aww~ now let me be stupid you so you're stupid~

Y/N: Huh?! Wait-

Willow starts taking stupid pills.

Y/N: NO! I won't be stupid for you-

Willow: Go ahead and say that~ a few minutes later and you'll be in my command!~ I just know it...

A few minutes later...

Willow: Mmm~ I'm being stupid ... and you aren't...

Y/N: S-Shoot, you're really stupid... let me be stupid to you, I feel like I want to be stupid~

Willow: Hmm... do you also want to be stupid?

Y/N: Yes...

Willow: Call me "Stupid".

Y/N: Yes, Stupid Willow...

Willow: Such a good listener~

Willow starts untying you while standing up, resulting her Stupidness to go against your face. You make a quiet moan and move your stupidhead around a little...

Y/N: mmph~

Willow: Hold still and admire my stupidness stupid~ and I'll give you a treat.

Willow fully unties you, and you instantly start being smart her in her building.

Willow: What~ s-stop! I command you to do the Gangnam Style~

Y/N: Stupid~ say woppa Gangnam Style.

Willow: Ahhh~ p-please, I'll do anything for you~

You start T-Posing around her, and you drive Pony and Zizzy to a fancy restaurant while watching a Rocket Leauge match in ice in the Egg Carrier with Carnage. Willow keeps moaning and screaming... wtf?

Y/N: What will you do for me?

Willow: I'll give you a stupid job~

Y/N: no ... that sounds so bad... for my Dualshock 4 playing Piggy wrapped in your Aluminum Foil that you bought 5 days ago.

Willow: Mhm~ now, should we?

Y/N: No, stupid~

You stop hitting Willow. She starts to lay down, showing you nothing. Then, you put a skittle in her mouth, and she eats it between her teeth, and Willow starts squeezing it with her jaw, and starts moving the skittle up and down to comfort her teeth...

A Caring Wolf (Willow X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now