Part 1: The Alleys

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You walk in the city of Lucella, minding your own business. You then notice an alleyway you explored a few years ago. You wanted to see how it aged, so you went in the alleyway.

When you were in the alleys, everything seemed fine. The kitchen seemed to be empty. You knew that someone had worked there, but you couldn't remember who. You then went in the TV place. Nothing seems to be playing.

You then went in the Laundromat. You had nothing to wash, though. So you just went along. While you exited the Laundromat, a raccoon and a wolf looked at you.

The raccoon whispers to the wolf. "Do you think he knows who we are?"

"I don't think our reputation is that big. Relax." The wolf said.

The raccoon was armed with a rusty crowbar, while the wolf had nothing on them.

You thought to yourself. Should I walk to them, or run away?


You decided to RUN AWAY.

The raccoon says to the wolf: "I think he knows who we are! We need to catch him!"

The raccoon runs after you, while the wolf goes back into a room.

You remember something. There was an apartment or some sort. You go upstairs, but it's locked. But how? How did someone lock it?

But now there is no time to question this. The raccoon has you cornered, and is about to hit your head with a crowbar. The raccoon tells you that you won't tell anyone that we are here when you're dead.

"I don't even know who you are!" You said. But the raccoon doesn't care, since he already told you enough.

But right when he is about to kill you, the wolf yells out to the raccoon to not kill you.

???: Willow! I thought you were back in the room!

Willow: I changed my mind, Rash.

Rash: But I told him enough! We need to kill him now or-

Willow: I don't want to hear it, darling~

Rash: O-ok. Fine.

Rash backs away from you. Then Willow goes in front of you.

Willow: Hello! I'm Willow. Willow The Wolf. And this is my friend, Rash The Raccoon!

Rash: Hello.

You stay silent with a worried face.

Willow: Huh? Is something wrong?

Y/N: You won't hurt me... right?

Willow: Nope! Although I'm gonna have to knock you out...

Y/N: Wait, please don't!

Willow grabs Rash's crowbar and hits you on the head. You then fall unconscious. What will she do to you?

End of Part 1

A Caring Wolf (Willow X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now