It is him

The most beautiful Angel and the Prince, the only one who could use powers of the cosmos, brought Emperor.

He looks so plain he was talked to have powers to destroy the worlds in a blink.

I thought he died or was in hiding.

“About a thousand years in the immortal realm” The Emperor answers looking at him intently, the beautiful, blue eyes widen in astonishment, both of them ignoring the talks going on in the court. 

“So long…it took him so long” The angel looks down thinking about it then gazes back up again “I felt my heartbeat speed up for a few seconds and then since yesterday it has been beating so fast, my bleeding heart is healing and craving for somebody, it doesn’t happen without a reason, he was born and has come of age, this immortal doesn’t want to sound rude but why has His Majesty not told me, he knows everything,” Asil says sadness evident in those blue orbs, such a pain that even the Emperor feels his smile wipe off, leaving an itch in his heart.

“His Highness” The Emperor was above him but dare he or any other officials call Asil without using the title, he was there long before their existence, worked hard to make the realm what it is today “Th is Emperor would not have delayed much”

Asil smiles though his features say otherwise “Delayed” he almost whispers, Asil holds that sad smile making others ache to help him, reach to him “It is already delayed much, this pain I go through each day, maybe this is the reason I was chosen” The Emperor’s eyes widen hearing it, his fingers itching to reach out and hold the angel in front of him in an embrace. “He is waiting for me, I have to descend to the mortal realm,” Asil says. The officials start murmuring again not able to hold back, the Emperor holds his forehead as if having an ache. This year of the festival is going to be unique, he should have expected it.


Outside of the Heavenly court, on the streets where everything looked so unreal and extraordinary, little angels, cupids, and other small immortals played and ran along the streets, demons and angels were walking on the same ground for this festival celebrated in a century, laughs and conversations could be heard while passing by the street, everyone looked so excited, a sudden golden dust shower from the sky making people halt and look above, they all cry in joy “What a blessing! What a blessing! His Royal highness, the Prince of Immortals woke up” the excitement triples itself among people as they bath in a golden shower with a smile on their faces, a little angel runs towards his mother looking at her with doe eyes “Who is His Royal Highness, what is this Golden shower mother” he says, his mother picks him up in her arms, his wings fluttering with happiness as he looks at her.

She smiles at his adorableness, she is his caretaker “You want to know? Didn’t you see that statue of a Prince in the Central, he is called The Prince of Immortals”

“I want to meet him, mother, take me to him” Her laugh wavers off.

“He has been sleeping for long I don’t think he will show up to us so soon, you will have to wait,” She says looking at the little one.

“Why was he sleeping?” The little angel had so many questions popping up in his head. The mother and son duo hears a man laugh and looks in his direction. It was a very high rank and an old angel with the name Omminor who have seen all the changes in the immortal world, the turns of events, the wars, and also looked after the mortal realm, he is the emissary of Emperor and is allowed to travel to mortal realm, he is the eyes and ears of Emperor for years. He was sitting below a tree looking at the golden shower when he heard the little angel ask questions and couldn’t help but laugh; there was a group of little angels and demons around him. He was about to tell them tales of the immortal realm but now with the curiosity of this little one, his eyes shone with happiness. He calls the mother and son to sit over, they respectfully bow to him and join the group.

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