Beyoncé blinked few times.

"She's probably gonna be here any minute now—-"

"I-alright let's run that back—your mother is coming—here?" Beyoncé asked and Onika nodded frantically.

"I—I thought you had NA tonight maybe tell your sister to reschedule?" Beyoncé suggested and Onika gulped at the lie she told earlier.

"They—they canceled last minute.." Onika mumbled not looking at Beyoncé. Beyoncé was getting a bit nervous herself, "O-okay? What—what do you need me to do?" Beyoncé asked.

"And all I need is for you to just—be here? With me? While she's here?" Onika begged and Beyoncé nodded nervously and then looked down at herself.

She had a harry potter T shirt on—jeans—with sneakers.

"I feel underdressed like really underdressed considering I'm about to meet your mother. " Beyoncé said slightly panicking herself.

"What? You're fine—you always look fine—" Onika said quickly as her sister walked past and opened the door.

The pair turned their heads to see Ming hugging a woman and Beyoncé and Onika felt their anxiety spike.

"Oh ming, I've missed you." She heard her mother say before disconnecting the hug.

Onika grabbed Beyonces hand and honestly the taller girl needed that warmth as much as the shorter one did.

Carol looked straight ahead at her youngest daughter, holding hands with someone she's never met.

She took a few steps in and Onika felt like her heart was about to burst out of her chest. She wasn't completely high off her ass but she definitely still had it in her system.

Her mother seemed a little nervous herself which was a new sight for Onika.

"Good evening Onika." She finally said and Beyoncé felt like the tension in the room could be cut with a knife.

Onika cleared her throat avoiding eye contact. "Hey mama." She said lowly. Ming and Beyoncé eyed each other at the awkwardness of the other two.

"I—I'm still making dinner it should be done real soon—Onika—how about you help me?" Ming said gesturing toward the kitchen and Onika looked at her confused till Ming cocked her head.

Beyoncé felt the warmth of Onikas hand go away as she awkwardly stood with the woman who gave birth to Onika.

She felt Carols eyes scanning over her—Beyoncé can confidently say she's never been this nervous. And she had no idea why.

"We should sit down." Carol stated and Beyoncé was all for that. "Uh—y-yeah." Beyoncé agreed as the two sat in the living room. Beyoncé felt like she was reverting back to her awkward self.

She tapped at her bare knees that showed through her ripped jeans.

"So—who—are you exactly?" Carol asked and Beyoncé felt like she was sweating bullets.

"I'm uh—I'm Beyoncé." She managed to get out without much struggle. Carol nodded, "You're..Onikas..." She trailed off to give Beyoncé time to answer.

"Friend! We're friends—slash co-workers—slash friends." Beyoncé said quickly.Not realizing she repeated the last part.

"And how'd you two—meet?" Carol asked. Beyoncé wasn't sure if she should tell her that they met at a club—and Beyoncé was Onikas way of getting out of a conversation with a guy.

"At—a—store. In a—mall?" Beyoncé phrased it like a question and even Carol was confused.

"That's—nice. How long have you two known each other?" Carol asked and Beyoncé felt like her eyes were piercing through her soul.

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