chapter three | break-in

Start from the beginning

I put on my skates and walk over to one of the currently empty ice rinks. I take off the guards and drop them on the floor right outside of the ice. I put my music halfway into the top of my leggings and play some random music while I do a few laps around the ice.

After I do the first few laps I start to do a few jumps, and turns. I stop and put my phone off of the ice so nothing happens to it. I just do some random things I've learned in all my years of figure skating.

After a while, I decide to get off of the ice. I put my guards on my skates and step off of the ice. I pull off my skates and put my feet back in my street shoes.

I grab my bag and walk out of the ice rink. I still can't believe everything that happened with my dad. Maybe I'll just give him a little while to cool down.

I don't even realize that I'm driving because the next thing I know I am pulling into my driveway.

I pull up into my garage and lock the garage door behind me.

I decide to make some spinach pie tonight to eat. It sounds weird but it's definitely delicious. I take out all of the ingredients and put them on the counter, ready to be used.

After about 50 minutes I place it into the oven to be cooked. I fry a little bit of chicken to be the main food to go with it, knowing that I have been craving some good fried chicken recently.

Once it's all fried I place it on a frying pan to put into the oven.

I leave those in the oven for a little bit longer and then pull them both out. I set some tinfoil out on the chicken and cut the spinach pie.

I take a little bit of it and place it on my plate. I put the rest in a Tupperware container and into my fridge to eat for later meals.

I then uncover the chicken and place a piece on my dish. I put that into a separate container and then into the fridge.

I sit down at the table with my food and start to eat.

"Ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to leave," One of the security guards that I recognize as Charlie says to me.

"What?" I ask, but it comes out as a whisper. "I'm sorry, honey, your dad isn't letting you in right now," He tells me.

Charlie has worked at the rink as a security guard for almost my entire life. I know that it isn't his fault that my dad basically banned me but it still sucks.

"Okay, bye I guess," I say and walk back to my car. My dad wasn't answering his calls so I was going to go talk to him. Clearly, he doesn't want to talk to me.

I get in my car and drop my head to the top of the steering wheel. I'm just so frustrated. I fought with my dad a few days ago about the team, and I'm trying to fix it but he won't let me.

I can't deal with this right now. Since I've been trying to fix it and he won't let me, I'm done trying. If he wants to fix whatever happened, he needs to come to me. I'm not going through all this if he doesn't care.

Someone knocks on the window and I look up to see Austin and Garrett standing there. Why do I keep running into Austin?

I go to put the window down and then I remembered that I hadn't even turned on my car yet. What is wrong with me today?

I decide to just get out and talk to them. "Hi," I softly smile, looking between the two of them.

This was part of the reason I didn't want to reach the team. While I would never admit this to anyone I feel intimidated by the team.

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