Chapter 7 - Illusions

Start from the beginning

" I'm River!" I yell smiling with closing eyes, thankful we dropped the subject.


Afterwards, we reach inside the cave in one piece, the fishermen apologizes to his wife, stating that she was right. She tells him to apologize to Aang. I hide a laugh, and the fishermen wants to exchange his apology with a free fish instead to call it even.

" I don't eat meat." Aang bellowed.

" Fish ain't meat!" the fishermen and I say humorously. Sokka still doesn't look pleased and asks if he's still going to get paid, but to his dissatisfaction the only thing he gets is a hand full of smelly fish. I groan at the stink and hold my nose together. Aang tells Katara that she's right, that he is through with beating himself up about the past and he's going to make the best out of the situation.

" Thank you for saving my life." bellowed the old man. Sokka notices that the storm is over so we all exit the cave to savor the sunshine only to have the bison, Appa, to shake water over all of us. I laugh out loud this time as my friends got even more wet. Aang holds out his arms.

" We missed you so-much, give me a hug!" he protests trying to embrace me in the wet, smelly, hairy, hug of his.

" Nuh-uh! I'm not falling for that trick!" I manage to say before running away from the airbender. We both laugh before collasping on the ground. We stay here for the night and get a good night's rest.


I woke up sweating like the sun. It's so hot! I furiously rip off the sleeping bag, off me trying to get the refreshing cool air on me.

" Good, morning... K-Katara..." I say gasping for air. She was putting a wet cloth on Sokka's forehead.

" Good morning, River." she said smiling at me, then turns into a frown in an instinct, " You don't look so well either?" she put a wet cloth on me too like Sokka. The illness is a result from the storm we got caught in last night, I reminded myself. I began to cough. Aang came in. Where did he go? He was talking to Katara, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. I couldn't hear anything. This isn't good...

Aang walks off, probably getting some herbs for us. I then look at Appa and Momo. Why is Momo wearing a dress and make-up? Is Momo a girl? I then look at Appa, and notice he was wearing a bath robe, and had his hair in braids, who was also wearing a tutu over the robe and had a batan in his hand. Weird?

I look at Katara and Sokka; Sokka was on a mountain with a rose in between his teeth looking pretty sexy, and Katara; having a cell phone next to her ear talking like those girly, pink, gossip girls. 'OMG, I know! And he was like, soooo adorable, like when he touched my hand, mmnnn' she was saying into it. I could hear again!

I stood up and walked towards Momo, our cat. I petted his sweet, soft fur, and rubbing his ears, " Good, kitty!" I said giggling like a 5 year old. I stopped and sat by Katara petting the tan tiger. Pretty tiger.

" Your such a good girl Katara, just promise you won't eat me, and I'll give you a steak! Even if you do, there will be no promises..." I said. The tiger look confused. " No worries, tiger Katara, everything will be alright, hakuna matata!" then I jumped up, remembering my favorite childhood movie. I started swaying to the music that was already stuck in my head ( Just picture this to get the idea...)

" Hakuna Matata, what a wonderful phrase! Hakuna Matata, ain't no passing craze! It means no worries, for the rest of your days, it's our problem free, philostrophy, hakuna matata!!" I sang swaying my hips side ways, and doing the hula with my hands. I FELT SO FREEEE!!!!

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