Story update

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Guys, im so sorry for not updating this story kinda got away from the original story line I had in mind lol...😅

So, I many be wrapping it up a little quicker then expected, but I think you'll still like the ending! It'll still have lots of Thiam, Scisaac and Sterek.

I just really wanna wrap this one up because I have another Thiam story I wanna start!!!! It'll be strictly Thiam and kinda short, but SUPER cute!!!

I'll try to get the last few chapters of this out within the next two weeks!

Anyway, thanks for reading it so far and for all the support and votes you've given me! So glad you're loving this read! ❤️

Allllsssoooo....if you wanna let me know what you think the gender of little Thiam and Scisaac pups will be, feel free to comment cause you'll be finding out in the next couple chapters. Hehe. 😁🙆‍♀️


And here's some ship pics just cause.

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