Now what? / Finally

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Liam's POV
2 weeks after the proposal.
Just under 5 months pregnant.

It had been two wonderful weeks since Theo proposed and I swear every morning was like waking up in our own little fairytale story.

There he was right beside me. My future husband and father of our pup. The love of my life. My mate.

It was still early, but our little acrobat had decided to wake me up before Theo did, so I just laid in bed, watching him sleep.

He had one hand resting on my stomach and the other tucked up underneath his pillow. I had to hold back a chuckle every time the pup kicked where his hand was.

"Don't wake your daddy, little one." I soothed a hand down my side as I heard a hum and looked up to see Theo's eyes opening. "Too late. Morning."

He moved closer to me, pressing his lips to mine sleepily. I chuckled, kissing back before feeling the pup kick again, excited to hear Theo's voice.

Theo laughed softly, looking down at my stomach. "Good morning to you too." He moved down, replacing his hand with his cheek. "How's my little pup doin today?"

I felt an especially hard kick and hissed, glaring playfully at Theo. "Strong...and sitting on my bladder." I made a face as I pushed Theo off me and made a beeline to the bathroom.

When I made my way back to bed, I hadn't even bothered to put my sweatpants back on, just wearing my underwear.

As I laid down, Theo grinned at me, immediately pulling me into him and attacking my neck with open mouthed kisses.

I hummed out, moving a hand up into his hair as he rolled me onto my back and moved on top of me, settling down in between my legs.

"Theo." He just chuckled, sucking a hickey under my ear before moving up to nibble on my earlobe. His hands moved up and down my sides soothingly.

I moaned out again, arching my back just a little since my stomach was pressed up against Theo's. He moaned in response, moving a hand onto my stomach again.

He started to kiss down my chest, licking over my nipples. I gasped loudly, arching my back again as I gripped his shoulder, my other hand moving above my head to grip my pillow. "Fu*k, babe!"

I had mentioned a few days ago how my nipples had become sensitive and for some reason he took that as an invitation to mess with them whenever he could.

Not that I minded too much or wanted him to stop because, shit it felt amazing.

I felt myself get hard as my breath hitched while Theo pressed his hips into mine, still practically devouring my nipples. Pinching and playing with whichever one wasn't in his mouth.

I had no idea what had gotten into him this morning, but there was no way in hell I was gonna ask him to stop. He'd been so careful recently, treating me like I was made of glass or something.

So this was definitely amazing.

Theo moved up, spreading my legs as he leaned down, gently kissing my stomach. I sighed out, panting as I smiled up at him. "Now what?"

He just grinned at me before gently grabbing my right leg and lifting it up. He started placing kisses along my calf then my knee and finally down my thigh.

I moaned softly, just watching him as he did the same to my other leg before pulling my underwear off.

I had to admit, I hadn't been this turned on in a while, so it didn't surprise me that I was already fully hard.

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