Something spontaneous / We did it

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1 week later

Derek's POV

I walked into mine and Stiles' room, smiling softly as I watched Stiles' chest rise and fall while he still slept, sprawled out on the bed.

He was covered in hickeys and I had to admit, the fact that he wasn't a werewolf and my love marks didn't heal as fast, was a serious turn on.

Making my way over, I set a cup of coffee on his nightstand before sitting on the edge of the bed, just watching him for a moment.

He'd been working so much lately, sometimes even getting into bed with his computer and it didn't give us much time for intimacy.

So for the past couple days I've made him turn off his electronics and last night I drew him a hot bath after we got back from a very spontaneous adventure.

After he got in, he insisted that I get in too and of course that lead to sex in the tub.

When we were done, we had another round in the bed. I knew it relaxed him and released a lot of stress so I was more than willing to oblige.

Plus, it just made sense to be together like that after the events of the day.

I traced a rather dark hickey around his left nipple with my thumb, letting out a soft sigh before opening his nightstand drawer and grabbing the coco butter he kept in it.

When we first started going out, or really, first started getting intimate, I thought it was the strangest thing that he smelled like coconut afterwards, but never asked why.

Then one night, I watched him pull a small container of it out of his backpack and rub it all over his neck, grumbling about going to classes the next day with huge hickeys.

Since then, I either tried to be more careful if he had to go somewhere, or in the morning, I did it for him.

I opened the container and put some on my fingers before gently massaging them into his skin.

Stiles tensed up a little then slowly sighed out in his sleep, stretching out before relaxing again. His face looked content and peaceful.

I just smiled, leaning down and kissing his forehead before continuing to take care of him, making sure I'd covered each hickey and bite mark till he smelled like a tropical island.

When I was done, I ran my fingers through his hair, watching a small smile pull at his lips and chuckled, shaking my head. "You brat. I know you're awake, babe."

I don't know how I hadn't noticed, but he'd gotten good at controlling his breathing and I just focusing so much on finding every bruise.

His eyes opened and he looked up at me, grinning widely as he moved a hand onto my arm. He hummed out softly before stretching again. "It just felt so good. I didn't want you to stop."

I laughed a little and leaned down to kiss him, drawing out a small hum from his lips before he pulled away and turned, looking at the red mug. "Is that coffee?"

I laughed a little and ruffled his hair, moving back a little so he could sit up. "Yes it is." I grabbed the mug and handed it to him.

He immediately took a sip, moaning at the taste. I rolled my eyes, laughing again. "You're such a dork."

He just grinned, looking at me from over the rim of the mug. "Yeah, but I'm your dork and now your husband."

My smile widened and I grabbed his hand, eyeing the small silver band on his finger that matched my own. "I still can't believe we just eloped. We really should tell everyone."

Stiles hummed out happily, slipping his hand into mine and intertwining our fingers. "I know, but I like just keeping it between us for now. Maybe...maybe in a couple days. Please?"

He gave me a pouty lip and puppy eyes, making me laugh as I shook my head. "You're such a dork, but of course, babe. Whatever you want."

I leaned forward and kissed him again, tasting the fresh coffee and last night's cheesecake on him.

It was very unlike Stiles to do something like this. Not the spontaneous part necessarily, that I was very used to, but wanting it to just be us and not make a huge deal out of things was more my style.

Either way, I was so glad we did it.

"I love you so much, Stiles Hale." Just saying his name like that excited me on such a new level.

Stiles shivered then grinned, lacing his fingers through my hair as he set his coffee down. "Damn, say that again."

I ran a hand up his thigh, my other hand pulling him closer to me as I softly kissed his neck. "Mr. Stiles Hale."

Stiles moaned loudly, throwing his head back as he held onto me. "Fu*k." He moved his legs on either side of mine, resting down onto my lap.

"I thought you'd wanna get breakfast or-" He huffed at me, cutting me off as he pressed his hips into mine. "Der, you started this."

I chuckled "Oh trust me, Sti, I know." I pulled him into a heated kiss, moving my hands down to his butt and squeezing.


Isaac's POV

I gasped softly at the cool gel Melissa put on my stomach, watching as she placed the little device on top of it, moving it around.

I glanced up at Scott, holding his hand tightly before both of our heads jerked back to Melissa when she gave a soft. "Ah." And pointed to the screen.

She moved the ultrasound screen towards us and pointed to a small bean-like shape. "That right there is your pup."

My breath hitched and I felt tears in my eyes as I just stared at the screen. It felt so serial, like I was dreaming, but I knew I wasn't.

There it was. Our pup.

"Oh god, Scott. We did it. We made that." I moved a hand up, placing it on the screen and tracing the outline of the small shape. Of the small pup.

Scott placed several kisses on my head and cheek, laughing out happily as his own eyes flooded with tears. "We did it, babe. You did it."

"Everything looks good so far, Isaac. Healthy and on track. I want you to take it easy for a few weeks so you don't strain anything, and I'll set up another appointment, okay." She smiled widely at me.

I nodded, still not looking away from the screen. I couldn't. It was mesmerizing. My little pup was growing inside me. I was a dad.

I didn't really pay attention as she explained how far along I was and the pups vitals. I knew Scott was listening though as he squeezed my hand gently.

Melissa chuckled. "I'll make a print out so you can take it home. Congratulations, boys." She pulled Scott into a hug.

When I finally looked away, I just watched them before grinning. "Thanks, Melissa. Congratulations to you too, grandma."

Both her and Scott looked at me with wide eyes and Melissa laughed out happily. "Oh god, Isaac, You're right. Do you mind if I keep a printout? I won't tell anyone before you do."

I nodded as she wiped the gel off me. "Yeah. And honestly, I think I'd rather not tell anyone just yet." Melissa nodded again, turning to make the printout and leaving me and Scott alone.

Scott pulled me into his arms, just holding me tightly as he placed a hand on my stomach. "We did it, babe. We finally did it."

I hugged back, nodding as I sniffled, feeling so overwhelmed. "We did, Scott. Now we just need everything else to go smoothly." I took a deep breath.

Scott pulled away and placed a hand on my cheek, smiling reassuringly. "It will, Isaac. I know it will. In about 8 months time we'll be holding our little pup in our arms."

I teared up more, smiling as I imagined it. "I hope so." Scott kissed my forehead, wiping away my tears. "I know so."


Things are gonna start moving a little faster from here as far as time skips and plot development.

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