No matter what

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Scott's POV

2 weeks later.

Liam was finally starting to become himself again. Theo had been really worried and basically stayed with him 24/7 since the incident.

Not that Liam seemed to mind. In fact, I knew that's what he needed. He needed his mate and his pack around him. Helping out and just being there for him. Luckily, we were all pretty good at that.

Even Jackson and Ethan came by a few days ago to see how he was doing. Jackson had healed perfectly, but avoided any questions about what happened.

Ethan told me that he hadn't talked about it at all. He didn't seem too concerned though and even offered to help us with the hunter problem.

We kept all talk of hunters or anything related to that away from Liam.

When Stiles mentioned it only a few days after Liam was taken, he started to hyperventilate and almost passed out.

He definitely had PTSD from it. He wouldn't even let anyone but Theo and Deaton touch his stomach and almost cried when Lydia did.

We were all worried. Even Isaac mentioned his concern a few times and tried to hang out with Liam more often. It was nice to see them getting along.

Not that they didn't before, but with how I felt about Theo, Isaac just didn't involve himself with them very much. So I was glad he was now. Liam needed all the comfort he could get.

Isaac's voice interrupted my thoughts and I shook my head, turning to face him in our bed. He was looking at me, but I had a feeling his thoughts were elsewhere.

"What did you say?" He blinked then took a deep breath. "N-nothing. Sorry." He snuggled back into the covers, closing his eyes.

I frowned deeply, moving my hand to cup his cheek. "Isaac, baby, what's wrong? Talk to me." I moved my hand to comb through his curls as he opened his eyes.

He bit his lip, searching my eyes for something. Reassurance maybe.

He'd been closed off ever since he told me he couldn't get pregnant. I'll admit, I was sad about it, but I love him no matter what.

We hadn't been trying and we hadn't even talked about it. So it wasn't like I had plans there were now out the window.

Even so, he just seemed depressed. Which wasn't surprising, but I tried to be here for him anyway I can.

"Baby, listen to me. You are everything I could ever want. I wouldn't trade anything we have, because we made it together. You and me." I scooted over, resting my forehead against his.

His eyes got watery and he nodded, sucking in a deep breath. "I love you too Scott...I wouldn't trade it either...I just wish-"

I shushed him gently, running my finger over his bottom lip. "You gotta stop putting yourself down. When you hurt...I hurt for you baby. All I want is for you to be happy. I'd do anything to see you smile. So please, don't blame yourself, okay."

The desperation in my voice had his lip quivering and he nodded. "O-okay."

We were both silent for a moment till he placed his hand on mine, intertwining our fingers. "I am happy, Scott. Honestly. I have the best mate and husband in the world."

He paused, moving his gaze from mine as he rolled onto his back away from me.

I pushed myself up a little, resting on my elbows. "Isaac?" I gave his hand a gentle squeeze and he continued.

"I wanna hold a baby in my arms Scott. Our baby. I wanna be a dad. I want to watch our pup grow, take their first steps and say their first words. I wanna...I wanna see them smile at us for the first time." His breath hitched and he hiccuped, holding back tears.

Oh god.

He was in so much pain and I hadn't even realized. I knew the news was hard on him, but I hadn't known how much he had wanted this. How much he wanted all those things...or how much I had wanted them.

My own tears started to blur my vision as I looked at our hands. Black lines were going up my arm. I just held his hand tighter.

"Isaac...I'm so sorry." I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do. I felt like a horrible mate for not noticing how much comfort he really needed.

"I should've...I should've known. I wish I knew what to do." I sat up, pulling him up into my arms and just held him. He cried into my shoulder.

It broke my heart.

"Screw it. Isaac let's do it...let's adopt. Or use a surrogate. I don't care, but let's do it. Oh god babe I wanna have everything that you just said." My own tears were falling now as Isaac pushed off me to look at me. Shock written all over his face.

"R-really?" He hiccuped again, his lip still quivering. I nodded. "Really. Isaac I'm serious. Let's do it."

He let out another sob, but smiled as well before hugging me tightly again. For a different reason this time. I could feel how happy he was and smiled too.

"We can ask my mom what options we have in the morning. We'll figure this out. We'll have a baby of our own one way or another."

Isaac nodded, letting out a soft laugh as he smiled against my neck. "Thank you Scott." I smiled and kissed his head. "No baby, thank you. I didn't realize how much I wanted this until you started talking about it."

I sucked in a breath as I laid us back down. "I wanna be a dad too Isaac. I promise, we'll get to see all those firsts. I know it."

He pulled away to look at me, smiling wider than he has in a while. "Okay." He leaned forward and kissed me hard, pushing himself closer into me till he pushed me onto my back and was straddling my waist.

"I love you so much Scott McCall." I grinned, lacing my fingers in his hair as I nibbled at his lip. "I love you more Isaac McCall."

We kissed again, deeply, losing ourselves in the taste of the other. Sleep could wait. This is what we needed now. The contact we'd been missing. The love we've neglected.

I didn't even realize it had pushed us apart until I realized how desperately I wanted him. Needed him.

I was never letting him go.

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