Finding Liam

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Theo's POV. 4am.

I heard a howl. A werewolf howl. It sounded close and I gasped out, my eyes widening as I realized I'd heard that exact howl before. "Liam!" I turned to Scott, my eyes filling with tears. "That's him, Scott. That's Liam." 

Scott looked at me for a moment before nodding. He knew it too. That was our Beta. "It came from over there. He's close." Scott turned, pointing off into the woods.

The opposite direction of where Ethan said they'd found him. That thought worried me. Badly. 

I took off running. Not even waiting for Scott as my heart pounded. We were so close. I just hoped he was okay.

That howl it sounded...pained. forced. A cry for help. If they'd hurt him...I growled deep in my throat, pushing my legs to move faster as I tore through bushes and undergrowth. 

His scent started to get stronger, but I knew immediately something was off. He smelled...different. I couldn't place it, but it was odd. It was Liam's scent, but...there was something new to it. Something...almost sweet. It made my heart skip a beat as I thought the worst, but at least it wasn't the smell of blood. 

Scott was yelling my name as I yelled Liam's. He was a good ways behind me, but he was an Alpha. He could catch up.

I wasn't slowing down for anything or anyone. Liam had to be right here somewhere. The scent was so strong now. 

I shouted his name again hoping for some answer. Something. Anything. 

Tears ran down my cheeks when I spotted him. On the ground. He was shaking visibly and pale. So pale. My breath hitched and I skidded to a stop, dropping down on the ground beside him. "Liam! Babe, can you hear me?" 

His eyes were closed and he wasn't responding. The ringing in my ears got louder, drowning out my sobs.

Everything around me seemed to go quiet and slow down as I scooped him up into my arms, holding him close to my chest. 

His pulse was weak and he was barely breathing. His skin was ice cold to the touch and his lips had already started to turn a slight shade of blue.

After a moment Scott was at my side, placing his jacket over Liam and telling me that everything was gonna be okay.

I nodded, just watching Liam as I stood up, keeping him as close as I could to share my body heat.

He had to be okay. He had to. The thought of losing him felt worse than anything I've ever experienced before. He was my mate. It wasn't supposed to end this way. 

Scott was speaking, but it was hard to understand. My mind was so distracted. When I looked up at him he just motioned for me to follow him. "We have to get out of these woods and get Liam to Deaton."

He was right. We had to get him somewhere safe and warm. Somewhere he could heal. 

As we made our way back, Scott had his phone out, trying to call Derek. I noticed then that he and Isaac weren't with us. We'd gotten split up.

It didn't matter too much to me though as I focused on Liam's heartbeat and breathing, trying my best to stay positive. 

I took as much pain from him as I could, watching black lines go up my hands and arms. It hurt like hell. Burning my insides and making me feel nauseated and sick.

I had no idea what Liam had gone through, but I knew I was ready to do whatever it took to make things right. To make Liam better. 

"Hang on baby...just hang on." 


Stiles POV. 4am. 

We had gotten Jackson to Deaton. He started to work on him immediately and I'd left the room, giving Deaton space to work.

That, and I've never been good with blood. I've passed out more times than I was comfortable with admitting. 

Once Deaton was done, about an hour later, I walked in, taking a deep breath at how still and pale Jackson looked.

Deaton was talking to Ethan as he sat at Jackson's side, a hand gently combing through his hair. "Is he okay?" They both looked at me and Deaton nodded. 

He explained that he found wolfsbane in Jackson's wound, but it was different from any other Wolfsbane variation he's ever seen before.

That declaration was unnerving as hell.

"So these hunters just, what...created a new type of wolfsbane?" My voice sounded anxious, going up a few octaves. 

Deaton nodded. "I believe so. The properties seem to limit the ability for a supernatural creature to shift. Which is why Jackson wasn't able to heal and most likely why his condition just got worse the longer it was in him." 

Ethan took a deep breath, running his hand over his face before turning to look down at Jackson again. "He's healing now though. And I'll be right here when he wakes up."

He leaned down, placing a gentle kiss to Jackson's forehead. The action was tender and it warmed my heart a little. 

Even though he seemed calm, Ethan was a mess. I wasn't a werewolf, but even I could smell the anxiety radiating off of him.

I'd never been good at consoling people. Sarcasm being my usual go to when I wanted to lighten a mood, but Ethan didn't need that right now. 

Instead, I walked over, placing my hand on his shoulder. He didn't take his eyes off Jackson as he spoke. "Thanks for helping me, Stiles...I don't...I don't want to imagine what might have happened if-" He got choked up, hiccuping slightly as he teared up. 

"You don't have to imagine. Cause he's okay. He's healing now and he just needs some good rest." I squeezed his shoulder reassuringly, feeling him relax slightly before walking away, giving him some space and privacy with Jackson. 

My mind went to Derek, wondering if they'd found Liam. If they were all okay.

What if they were hurt? What if the hunters got ahold of them too?

I paused, taking a deep breath and shaking my head. "Think positive Stiles. Derek's a badass and Scott's a true Alpha. They'll be fine." 

I sat myself down in a chair, rubbing my face before leaning forward and resting my face in my hands. "They'll be fine." I sighed out, trying to relax and just focus on now, Jackson was safe. Ethan was safe. I was safe. 

My phone rang, startling me. I jumped, huffing out in surprise as my heart skipped a beat before grabbing it.

Derek's name flashed on the screen and my heart started to pound now for a different reason. My mouth felt dry suddenly as I answered.  

"Der? What's going on? Did you find Liam?" I could hear him huffing through the phone, out of breath and exasperated. "Theo and Scott did. We're headed to the animal clinic now, but babe...he's in bad shape." 

My heart dropped into my stomach as I teared up. "Oh god...okay okay i-im gonna tell Deaton just...i-i love you, Der." I heard him sigh a little, pausing a moment before answering. "I love you too, Sti. We'll be there soon." Before I could say anything else the line went dead. 

I realized then that I was crying. Liam was like a little brother to me. I loved him in every way a 'pack mom' could. Hearing that he was hurt, it shook me. I'd been expecting it, but nothing could have really prepared me for it.

With shaky legs, I stood, calling for Deaton to tell him they were coming. 

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