𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 13

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𝐃𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔 want to know why I'm called Akira, and my twin's called Lila?

Before Lila and I were born, our mother was fixated on those names. Lila could be translated into night in Hebrew, and Akira could be translated into bright, or clear in Japanese.

Two polar opposites, one the light, and the other, the dark.

In a way, our mother was right. We were like polar opposites, but we were also similar. Sometimes I wondered why I wasn't called Lila. Her description kind of suited me.

I did all kinds of shady things, working as an assassin, associating with mafias, fighting in Underground clubs. Lila was almost like the epitome of light. She was cheerful, the light to everyone's darkness. 

Despite being polar opposites, we shared a special bond, like most twins do.

Anyway, back to the present.

We had reached the field, and by now I was starting to think that something was up with Lila. She was never this perky.

As we took a seat on the bleachers, I raised my eyebrow at Lila, "Spill it."

"Spill what?" she played innocent, even thought I could practically see her bursting in excitement to tell me.

"Only you know that," I replied, "So, spill it. I won't tell anyone."

Lila giggled, "I met a boy."

"You. Met. A. Boy?" I asked incredulously, "Where is he, if he hurts you, I'm going to beat him up."

"Akira!" Lila said, shocked, "Don't do that. He's really nice. He's just a friend anyway."

I looked at her dubiously, "If you say so."

A silence settled between us like a heavy blanket. Lila's opened her bag, and took out her books, "I swear, we have so much math homework."

I'm not even joking, does anyone else have heaps of math homework too?

I rolled my eyes, "Ugh, the teacher is so annoying too. I'm not even going to bother doing the math homework today."

Lila whacked me on the shoulder, "Kira."

"Fine," I grumped, tempted to roll my eyes again.


We had been sitting on the bleachers for about an hour, and they still weren't done. How long does it take to train? They hadn't even taken a break yet. I would be dying of thirst if I were them.

Lila had managed to finish all of her homework, yet I was still struggling with the math homework. It's not that I was bad at math, it's just that the teacher had given us a ridiculous amount of homework. She's probably going about her wonderful life, while I'm sitting here struggling with the homework.

A sigh escaped my mouth once more, at this point, I had already given up. I needed some sort of distraction. 

I stood up from the bench and stretched, hearing a couple of bones crack.

Oh, that's never good.

I've clearly been sitting down for too long.

I tapped Lila on the shoulder, "I'm just gonna go to the bathroom okay?"

Lila looked up from her phone, "Yeah sure."

No doubt she was texting that guy she met today. I guarantee you that she is. I hunched my shoulders as I pulled the hood of my jacket over the top of my head, quickly walking over to the bathroom.


As I walked out of the bathroom, I heard hushed, but clear voices coming from the side of the building. Now I know I shouldn't have done this, but I did it anyway. For anyone who does snooping in others business, shame on you. Even though I did it. Bad habits die hard I guess.

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