8 pt: 1

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Esmerelda was in her bedroom. Doing what? Thinking about Slender.

It's been a week since the accident and since 'Eren' found out. He stopped texting and talking to Esmerelda. She has to admit it hurt like hell, however, somehow she felt as if weight was lifted off of her. Eren is an amazing guy! However, the timing he came to her life wasn't 'ideal'.

She hears a notification coming from her phone. She quickly grabs it and finds it's Slender.


-Hi, how are you doing?

-Ok, and you? Are you okay? Does anything hurt?

-I'm fine. Won't come to school tmr

-I'm sry.

-Why are you apologizing? It's not your fault.

-If I wouldn't have made the choice I made. You wouldn't have gotten hurt.

-So you regret it?


-It's just that...somehow I feel it's my fault your gut hurt

- Well, it's not your fault. I would actually do that all over again. Cause I love you. And I don't blame you, and you shouldn't blame yourself. It was a choice I made, and I will never regret it. Will you regret this choice?


Before Esmerelda can do anything else, the doorbell rings. She gets off of the bed and goes to see who it was.  It was...


"Hi, Esmerelda." He says holding a bouquet of roses and having one hand in his pockets.

"What are you doing here?"

"*sigh* To apologize. I'm sorry Esmerelda.  However..." He says getting closer.

"You were mine, Esmerelda. And Slender had absolutely no right to take you from me!" He says grabbing her wrist, tight.

"E-Eren let go!"

"What did you two do, huh? What were you two doing before I entered that fucking closet!"

"E-Eren, stop!" She says tearing up due to the force he was using.

"He fucked you, didn't he?" He says angrily.

"*sniff* E-Eren, look I'm sorry. Ok. I'm sorry just please leave me!"

He raises his hand, however, a ball is thrown at him.

Ame: "Leave my sister, alone!"

"You bitch!"


Eren turns around and comes face to face with, Splendor.

Spl: "First, you hurt my brother, next you come here and hurt 'his' girlfriend, and now you call my girlfriend a bitch?"

"Leave! It's none of your fucking business."

Spl: "Yes, it is! You're hurting my friend/ brother's girlfriend, and you just insulted my girlfriend!"

Eren pushes Esmerelda making her fall, just to hit Splendor. Splendor punches Eren and kicks him! Splendor grabs him and pushes Eren against his own car.


Amelia rushes to Splendor and pulls him back.


Eren gets in his car and dashes away. Amelia dashes back to Esmerelda and looks at her marked wrist.

"If he comes back just call."

Esmerelda nods and the three of them head inside. Amelia bandages her wrist and she looks at both Amelia, and Splendor a bit dumbfounded.

"So, when did you two start dating?"

They instantly blush and she giggles.

"Nobody else knows?"

They both nod and she promises to keep it a secret.

The next day: Slender's place

"If he lays a finger on you again call me! Got it?" Slender tells his girlfriend. She nods and he holds her tight. They cuddle and lay in Slendies bed. Slender kisses her and she kisses back. He pushes her to his bed, and she giggles.

"You sure? I don't want you to hurt yourself."

"I'm sure." He says caressing her cheek.

"But first...do you have a condom?"

Slender nods and they have sex, however, someone was watching.

Few hours later

Esmerelda was in her bf's bed with him just cuddling and going through her phone. He snuggles with her, making her giggle. She caresses his head and then she gets a text.

'lover1 sent photos'

"What the hell?"

"What's wrong?"

Esmerelda shows Slender her phone and he checks the photos. They were pictures of them! It was pictures of them when they were having sex!

"What the fuck?" Slender gets up from the bed and Esmerelda covers herself with his shirt. Slender checks the window and sees a very familiar car.

"That motherfucker!" He puts some clothes on and exits. Esmerelda covers herself and goes behind him. They exit and the car drives off.

Next day: School

Esmerelda was in the library with, Slender. They were together studying for a test and doing some missing assignments.

"I'm heading to the small store, want anything?"

"Some chips and an ice tea."

He nods and kisses her before leaving. She was going through her math notes when Diane came, and she LOOKED MAD!

"Go away, Diane."

"No! You and I are going to talk RIGHT NOW!"

"Jeez, keep it quiet. Plus, what the hell do you want?"

"Are you not ashamed? First, you steal MY boyfriend, then you sleep with him, and now you leave Eren, my ex! Why are you so obsessed with me?"

"Bitfch, please! One I never knew Eren was your ex, second Slender was only with you cause he wanted to be off of his mind. He thought I never loved him, but I do. Plus, I love Slender and he loves me!"

Esmerelda says slamming her hands on the desk. She gets all her stuff and leaves. As she exits, Diane stops her.

"Get out of my fucking way!"

"No, bitch! Now, tell me are you ashamed for being a skank?!!"


She turns and finds Slender, Esmerelda goes to her boyfriend, who holds her.

"Next time you ever disrespect my girl I shall make you regret."

"B-But, Slender-"

"No, buts! I don't love you! I love her!"

Slender and Esmerelda grab hands and head to their classes.

Creepy high school #1: Slenderman X readerWhere stories live. Discover now