1 pt: 3 Detention and meeting someone else ;)

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That someone ;) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8z0wQVRLzFA

"Sit down, and don't talk!" The teacher says.

I roll my eyes and sit down, angrily. I then look at the written chalkboard: DETENTION.

"Well, well look who it is. You sure never know, right Yaeger?"

I turn and see the boy, he chuckles and rolls his eyes.

???: "Yes, teach. And from the looks of it, it's the good old bald teacher as always."

I and some students giggle at this and the teacher looked pissed!


He flips the teacher off and sits next to me.

"Hi, I've never seen you here. What's your name?"

"Esmerelda. And you?"


"Yaeger, the teacher pretty much announced you."

"*chuckle* He sure did. Did you like the entrance?"

"*giggle* I did, everyone did. So why are you here?"

"*sigh* Like always fights, talking back, you know. And you?"

"Ditched class, and left class. Got caught."

"Wow! On the first day?"

"And you fought on your first day?" I say with a smirk. He smirks back and signals me to turn around to the teacher,

"Look at this." He gets a piece of paper and does a paper plane. He throws it and it lands on the teacher's bald head, we laugh silently and the teacher grabs it.


We laugh and the teacher stomps to him.

"Want me to make it 3 periods?"

"Yeah sure I don't want to go to school."

I giggle and the teacher looks at me, I then stop.

"Trying to catch her eyes, yaeger?"

"Nope, she's just my new friend."


"Mhm, right?" He says turning to me.

"Mhm." I say with a nod and smile.

The teacher rolls his eyes and leaves.

"By the way, nice try trying to cover that bald spot!"

We turn and look at the black spot on his head! Everyone laughs and teacher yells at Eren.


I get up and grab my textbooks, Eren then gives me a lollipop.

"Bye, Es."

"Bye, Eren." I say with a smile, he smirks at me and winks at me. I giggle at this and leave the room.

5th period

I got to 5th period and sit down, Jess, Emily, and Jane go sit down next to me. Slender and his brothers come and sit next to me, Slender of course ignores me.

Off: "Where the hell were you?"

"Lunch detention."

Em: "On your first day?!"

Creepy high school #1: Slenderman X readerWhere stories live. Discover now