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Eren and Slender glare at one another, then turn to Anne. She looks at them then glares at me.

"Go away, or I will rip you apart."

She looks away from Slender, then at Eren. She grits her teeth and leaves, then the bell rings. Amelia goes and hugs me tight, finally letting Eren and Slender stop holding me.

"Thank god you're ok." She says nearly tearing up. I hold her tight and nod.

Even though they both stopped holding me, they kept on glaring at one another.

"You okay?"

"Did she hurt you?"

"Any cuts?"

"N-No, thanks."

They nod and the girls take me away, before making the both of them fight over me.

In the locker room

We were changing when the girls started looking at me.

Ja: "Esmerelda, what was all that back there?

"I don't know." I lie not looking away from the small mirror on my locker.

Emi: "Don't lie. We all noticed something between you three."

I look down then back at them. What, would they think of me if I told them? Would they be disgusted at me after I cheated on Eren? Would they stop being my friends? Well, there are going to find out either ways.

"I...I...I kissed Slender."

They all stop what they are doing, back at me. Even Amelia was dumbfounded! I look away embarrassed and ashamed.

"*sniff* I-I'm sorry. I-I just couldn't control it. I love Eren, but with Slender..." I look down and start feeling tears stream down.

"I understand if you don't want to be my friend. After all, who would want to be a friend with a whore?"

All of a sudden they all get up and hug me!

Jess: "It's okay. We know you didn't mean to. And as for you being a 'whore', you are not."

"We do have to admit what you did was wrong, however, we're glad you now told us about it. We will keep it a secret."

"Ohhh...g-girls..." I say in tears. I start sobbing and they comfort me.

At home

I was in my bedroom, studying for a test when I heard a notification from my phone. I grab it and find out it was Slender.


Slender: Hi, just wanted to check how you were doing. Are you ok?

Esmerelda: Yes. Thanks.

Slender: Hey...

Slender: I'm sorry for what happened. I never thought Diane would try do that. If I had known I wouldn't have acted so reckless and put you in danger.

Esmerelda: Slender, it's not your fault. I know you would never try to hurt me. Plus, it's not your fault for the way she acted.

Esmerelda: Contrary, I'm glad. Thanks for coming for me.

Slender: Anything for you.

I blush madly at his text and text back.

Esmerelda: Please, promise me you and he won't get into a fight.

Slender: Who?

Esmerelda: You know who. Eren.

Esmerelda: I don't want either of you to get hurt, nor fight.

Slender: Look, I will do what I have to do. I love you, Esmerelda. And if that means to get my ass broken then so be it! I love you, I've never felt this way for someone else.

Esmerelda: I know, but....

Slender: Esmerelda, I love you. I'm willing to do anything.

Esmerelda: I know, but...

Esmerelda: We're in high school, after that college and University what if....what if on the way we stop feeling anything?

Slender: Then so be it! I rather end this knowing I fought than give up on you.

Esmerelda: Slender...

Esmerelda: Slender, can I tell you something?

Slender: Anything, love.

Esmerelda: I love you, and I really don't want this to end.

Esmerelda: However, I also feel something for Eren. I love you I do, but...

Slender: I get it.

Slender: Plus, who said we couldn't do this behind his back?

Slender: I'm no friend of his. Plus, I know my brothers don't even like him. And I love you, Esmerelda. But I also don't want this between us to end.

Slender: So, are you in?

*7 minutes later*

Slender: Esmerelda?

*2 minutes later*

Esmerelda: Yes. Yes, I will be your's in secret behind his back.

Creepy high school #1: Slenderman X readerWhere stories live. Discover now