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"where's mark?" johnny asks, seeing the lone laptop.

of course, it's a jarring sight to see. usually mark would be there at a team meeting, ready to turn his laptop around to display whatever he had on the screen. well, it would be anything else but a map layout of a building. but now, the chair that he usually sat in was empty. to add on to this surprise, donghyuck hadn't been in training either earlier. it's happened before with him showing up late because of dr. lim or mark, but he never came. it felt so off to sicheng, not hearing his pencil against a piece of paper attached to a clipboard.

"maybe he took the day off," ten suggests half-heartedly with a shrug.

sicheng thinks about the file and remembers how he got it in the first place. it made too much sense — mark gave it to him and gibeom did away with him once yuta found out everything. plus, he found it in the lab, where he probably wouldn't go unless donghyuck went.

oh no.

he looks over at yuta as they sit down at the table along with their other two teammates, the other man wiping his tears free of his tears. he ended up crying himself to sleep last night while gripping sicheng's arm particularly tight. that morning, he had looked absolutely horrible, eyes red rimmed from all that crying and his lips trembling like he was going to burst out crying again.

"i think i know what happened," sicheng says in a mumble. yuta looks at him with his red eyes. johnny does the same, looking interested while ten barely heard him, a bemused expression on his face.

"oh, do you now?" ten looks unimpressed.

that's when sicheng leaves to return with the file mark had given him, letting ten and johnny search through it. yuta recoiled in reaction to seeing it again, drawing his legs back until they fit into the chair along with the rest of him, his arms wrapping around them as his chin rested on his tops of his knees. understandable, considering how it messed him up so badly.

"yuta's nakamoto gota's son?" johnny says in utter awe, glancing over at the superhuman. when the file — which had ended up in ten's hands — had fallen back to the table, the rest of everything in it spills out, from the picture of the black car that belonged to yuta to yuta's identification card. "this is so much to take in...."

"what does this even have to do with mark?" ten glances at the picture of the license plate with a slight frown.

"he gave me that file," sicheng quickly explains. "i wouldn't have it nor would yuta know anything if it wasn't for him. i think gibeom did something to him. donghyuck too."

"donghyuck's gone too?" ten retorts.

"he wasn't taking notes during training," johnny points out and sicheng nods. "i mean, he usually does, so...."

"true," ten nods slowly. "but... can you explain this in the simplest way possible?"

"everything was planned," yuta says quietly.

"yeah — " sicheng starts but yuta cuts him off.

"i can explain it myself," yuta says in a soft, brittle voice. "everything was planned. gibeom doesn't like n-nakamoto gota, who is my father, so he purposely nearly got me killed in a car crash to save me and get rid of all my memories while turning me into this..." he lets his legs go to gesture to his own body. "i wouldn't be like this if i was someone e-else or nakamoto g-gota wasn't his biggest enemy.

"we found a crashed car in the forest beside this building," yuta goes on and he wipes away an oncoming tear. "it was so weird and made no sense then. but now it does."

"you did mention that," johnny replies. "well, that mystery is definitely solved."

"but now that we know, are we going to end up dead in a ditch somewhere?" ten says in that tone that makes it hard to guess if he's joking or not. sicheng glares at him and he just blinks in response.

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