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gibeom probably didn't like being insulted, but after a few moments of looking at sicheng with such offended-ness, he agreed to it. to be fair, all sicheng has to offer is his decent fighting skills, but it's enough. for what he does lack, ten, johnny, and especially yuta can make up for it.

he leaves the lab, alongside yuta, knowing he just offered to probably risk his life on missions just because he wanted to protect yuta so bad, someone he was literally training to take care of himself. sicheng doesn't object when yuta follows him into his room, being the first onto his bed and the first to grab his laptop and open it.

"do you like our new teammates?" yuta asks, typing in the correct password easily.

sicheng joins him on the bed and just looks at him. yuta frowns.

"don't tell me you don't."

"do you like them?" sicheng shot back.

"yeah, especially johnny. he seems actually nice," yuta answers and his smile briefly returns before disappearing again. "i hope he's right about ten, though. i want to be his friend, too."

"you want to be friends with everyone," sicheng grins.

"is that a problem?" yuta says hotly.

"of course not, it's sweet," sicheng shakes his head. "i would never say that."

"do you not like anyone but me?" yuta asks curiously.

"of course i like other people," sicheng retorts before bitting his bottom lip. he doesn't like hangyeol. "mark's alright. same with donghyuck."

"are they your friends too?"

"well, i don't talk to donghyuck or mark much, but they're nice," sicheng answers. "i have friends. they just don't...."

they don't talk to him anymore. most of them are still in china, probably wondering what even came of him. if they even still care about sicheng to begin with. when he left and came to korea as barely an adult at the young age of eighteen, the first person he properly met was kim hangyeol.

he was the same age, a lot more flirty and already had a decent amount of tattoos. he was already used to the life he dragged sicheng into. sicheng didn't like him off the bat, but he stuck around only because he was helpful. now that he thinks about it, because of his so-called "friend", he met yuta. he doesn't regret that.

"i'll get along with ten and johnny too once i spend more time around them, okay?" sicheng says and yuta smiles at that.

that smile was going to be the death of him.

when night comes around, yuta decides to stay with him again, already fast asleep under the covers of sicheng's bed. sicheng, on the other hand, had something to do. using the flashlight on his phone, he walked around his room slowly, looking at every single corner of it.

so far, every one came back blank. furrowing his eyebrows, sicheng moves on from the last one and checks the next. he easily carefully avoids yuta's sleeping figure to check the corner of the ceiling near his bed. sure enough, there was a small camera hidden there. sicheng leans in closely so he knows the other end can only see his face before pulling back. how was he going to get rid of it?

placing his phone down on the bed, sicheng reaches up both of his hands in the darkness, vaguely able to see anything, and closes a single hand around the small thing. he tugs at it, but it's locked in there. with a frustrated huff, he tries again, but to no avail. maybe he needs something to help him. getting off of the bed and carefully not waking up yuta, he looked for something he could use....

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