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when morning comes, sicheng actually feels hungry for once.

his stomach was rumbling, worse than ever before. once more, he pays the price for skipping every meal for a few days straight. he couldn't bring himself to eat and sicheng hardly ever acknowledged it as a problem. even yuta, the ever so determined, had just wordlessly given up on trying to get him to eat. well, as far as sicheng knows, anyways.

yuta, surprisingly, isn't snuggled up against him when he woke up that morning. the bedroom door was open, however just slightly, light from the corridor flooding into the room. sicheng was a bit confused, letting out a yawn as he sat up. where had he gone? maybe yuta just went back to his room and sicheng really doesn't have to think about it hard because that's not remotely a big deal?

yeah, sicheng'll go with the latter.

he moves to finally get out of bed to stretch his long legs, also making sure to give his arms a good stretch too. that's when yuta comes back, pushing the door move open with his hip. at the sight of seeing more of his arms exposed due to his shorter-than-usual sleeves, sicheng thinks back to the sleeveless top he wore during the mission to blend in, with his jacket — wether purposely or accidentally — slipping off of his shoulders.

yuta got looks while at the club and sicheng was admittedly burning with slight jealously then. not that yuta knows that. nor needs to. it'll just come off as sicheng being even more obvious, as if yuta probably noticed him gawking at him the entire night.

"breakfast," yuta announces in singsongy voice that's music to sicheng's ears. he's holding two plates of pancakes with fruit, something different for once.

"well, thank you, i am hungry," sicheng says and his stomach rumbles again in agreement. yuta beams even brighter.

"for once," he giggles and walks over to place the plates on the bed, one brushing sicheng's leg. then, he lifts up his arms to stretch. his shirt must've be smaller than his usual a-size-too-big clothing, it exposed his stomach as he did so.

sicheng found out one new thing at that moment — yuta had a navel piercing. sicheng wondered how he never noticed, but then he realised he never saw yuta shirtless, not even once in the time they've known each other, but he's seen sicheng shirtless.

"sorry i took so long," yuta doesn't immediately notice sicheng staring at him again. "i wanted to go ahead and get ready. i guess we should go ahead and eat so you can do the same thing too..." he pauses, his cheeks going pink. "what, is there something on my face?"

"oh, no, definitely not," sicheng shakes his head, now embarrassed. of course he got himself caught. "just zoning out. let's eat like you said, i'm starving."

yuta smiles at that.

sicheng, then, feels even more embarrassed at his dumb excuse. he was so obviously staring, surprised that he even knew that. he guessed yuta never brought it up because he didn't feel the need to. but now that sicheng has seen it, he's probably not going to be able to un-think about it.

when training time comes, sicheng feels partially distracted at first, but he realises focusing on the task is more important than the new thing he recently discovered. especially when said person with the navel piercing had pinned him down to the floor of the training room, having him in a perfect headlock.

pinned against the floor, sicheng was unable to wiggle out of yuta's grip — he was just too strong to be overpowered. he could hear ten's taunting voice, as if he, himself, hasn't experienced yuta's strength first hand. the more he tries to back out, the tighter yuta gets.

"i'll release you soon," yuta whispers into his ear. sicheng can barely bring himself to shake his head. he needs to do it himself.

"no, i got this," sicheng says back. he turns his head ever so slightly, doing everything he can to move backwards, attempting to squeeze his head through. but then, he remembers what he's supposed to do.

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