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"dong sicheng," nakamoto yuta repeats, his eyes round with curiosity. "dong sicheng...."

"yeah, that's my name," sicheng says quietly.

he wasn't sure what he was expecting the experiment to look like, but he could easily pass for any other normal human being. he had long, black hair with some of it tied into a ponytail, with probably the cutest look of curiosity sicheng had admittedly ever seen, and arms of someone who clearly works out.

sicheng's seen loads of guys like that, the type of people who always go to gyms every day to keep all that muscle. sure, maybe it was attractive to a lot of people, but having a six pack to show off wasn't all that impressive. at least to sicheng, anyways.

"we'll leave you two to talk," gibeom says before turning on his heel with hangyeol. as he does, something falls out of his pocket and onto the floor. yuta looks at it just as sicheng does and oddly recoils, looking fearful.

sicheng furrows his eyebrows and picks it up, studying it as it rested in his palm. it was a rather small black box with a singular red button and a small antenna attached to the very top. his thoughts not bothering to ponder on what the hell he just picked up, he calls out, "gibeom, you dropped this."

gibeom was just barely out of the room when he turns around, taking it from sicheng rather slowly, as if he was relishing the moment of their skin brushing. "thank you, sicheng."

with that, he and hangyeol are finally gone, closing the door behind them. sicheng then turns back to yuta, who was watching the floor before meeting sicheng's eyes again, his smile returning as he speaks, "you're my trainer?"


"is your name actually dong sicheng?"

"uh, yeah, why wouldn't it be?" sicheng tilted his head to the side. what kind of question was that? but then, maybe others went by names that weren't their birth name, but sicheng wasn't one of those people, obviously.

"you're actually good at fighting?" yuta then asks, his round eyes still portraying curiosity. correction: cute curiosity. he was staring at sicheng like he had never seen a human before.

"yes, i wouldn't have gotten this job if i didn't," sicheng answers and he frowns at the thought. all those years of fighting people for money weren't going to waste, were they?

"when did you get hurt?" yuta asks afterwards.


"when did you get hurt?" yuta repeats, pointing to his face. "your cheek's bruised."

sicheng covers said bruise with a hand. "i know. it's nothing for you to worry about."

yeah, he's not explaining how he got the injury in the first place. the bruise hurts to the touch, making him pull his hand away. there goes that word again, that feeling again — pain.

"oh okay," yuta thinks for a moment, pursing his lips. "what's your favourite food?"

"i don't have one," sicheng answers. that reminds him of the fact that he hasn't eaten since yesterday, ever since he took one too many hits to his stomach, causing everything he ate to come up and be barfed onto the ground. he shivers at the thought of someone accidentally coming across all that throw up.

at least brushing his teeth twice helped get rid of the taste. but the fact that he threw up was the last thing on his mind that day, anyways. at least he can't taste it, but that affectively scared off any hunger from ever appearing. sicheng didn't eat that morning and he definitely wasn't going to eat now.

"that's boring," yuta frowns before looking at one of the posters on the wall. it was one of liverpool f.c. "do you like football, sicheng?"

"it's alright, never played myself," sicheng shrugs, crossing his arms across his chest.

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