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sicheng doesn't immediately tell anyone else about the crashed car, but yuta informs ten and johnny about it as well as mark. johnny and mark are suspicious, but ten hardly seemed to care. classic ten.

it seems so... off to him, a badly damaged car just laying out in the open, hidden off and away from the building. sicheng got the impression that no one ever came down this way, yet a car was there. someone else was here and had completely disappeared due to the lack of any bodies. plus, and sort of them to held identity the owner of the car was completely gone as well. it was weird.

but, the car didn't become his main focus anymore when yuta asked if they could be in his room for a little bit. his room as in yuta's room. for once.

sicheng hasn't been in his room for a long time now, ever since yuta preferred to hang out in his, which always ended up with him sleeping with him as they cuddled. it was the normal thing now for them.

when he walked inside, sicheng realised yuta's room was the same just as it was the only times he's ever been in it — the walls are still adorned with posters of football teams sloppily plastered on there. of course, the smell of yuta overtook his sense of smell entirely yet sicheng was utterly used to it since he does sleep with him every night, which makes his pillow smell like him.

"close the door," yuta tells him hastily. when sicheng does, he continues on with: "so, we went on a walk date!"

oh. yeah. that was supposed to be a date. "er — yeah, we did," sicheng attempts to smile. "but it kind of got ruined, didn't it? with the whole car thing...."

"i still went outside," yuta says happily. "how did you convince boss?"

"by yelling at him," sicheng says truthfully and yuta just beams brighter. "he didn't look happy about it either."

"well, i still did what i wanted to do, even if the car thing kind of ruined it," yuta shrugs before hugging sicheng. "remember what i said a few days ago?"

"huh?" sicheng says as he hugs him back. he doesn't remember back too far for whatever reason.

"before the second mission," yuta tells him, pulling away his head from sicheng's chest. "about the whole... uh... being boyfriends thing!"

"oh!" sicheng says and then he's smiling too. "you did mention that."

"plus, we went on a date," yuta goes on, his eyes going all big and shiny. "i promised, so i'm going to ask."

sicheng knows what he's going to say. "ask away."

"w-will you be my partner? my boyfriend?" yuta stammers out. "more than just my best friend?"

"of course," sicheng answers and then his day just feels immediately made. "can i kiss you?"

it just felt like the right thing to do in the moment with the man he now calls his boyfriend. yuta nods and he's the one to lean in, sicheng making their lips meet in the middle. it's just as perfect as the first few kisses, if not even better. however, it's not too long until they pull apart just to hug again.

sicheng swears he'll protect yuta with his life if he has to. he promised himself he would and now, hugging his boyfriend tightly in his arms, he definitely means that. with the mission upcoming, he knows they can face it together. along with their two teammates, of course. he just hugs yuta tighter.

the rest of the day seems to past by fast, sicheng finally bothering to use his tv back in his room — as in letting yuta use it to watch something — while he went to take a long nap. he woke up early in the morning with yuta snuggled up against him, fast asleep. sicheng smiles at the sight and it almost makes him go back to sleep, but the sound of his phone buzzing stops him. with an annoyed look, he moves to pick it up from his nightstand to see who it was.

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