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sicheng was finally let out while still being instructed to return to get his bandages changed every day. it felt good to finally be out of the lab and not be confided to a bed so he could properly stretch his long limbs to no longer feel the cramps in them.

though, where his wound is was awfully sore and sicheng did everything in his power to avoid anyone — even yuta — from touching it. the superhuman is now careful about how he hugs sicheng and never pushes him to the floor anymore while play fighting, just barely grazing his fingers over where he got hurt. though, the pain eventually subsides over time, especially with the medicine given to him by donghyuck.

sicheng was back to training a very happy yuta again after another week instead of being forced to watch. well, it was sort of nice to sit along the sidelines to see his improvement instead of having to always be directly involved, but he prefers training him anyways. even yuta admits that, if him being overly giddy with round-eyed happiness just at the fact that sicheng could train him again. well, yuta was always eager to learn, but on sicheng's first day back, it appeared even more so.

"so, tell me what you've been working on again," sicheng starts off, not quite sure about what else to do. it already feels like he taught the other everything he knows. he never exactly had any particularly "amazing" skills since the ones he knew, everyone knew. nothing to be proud of, even if he won fights. perhaps it was just because he was stronger plus on the luckier side. but thinking back to those times make his healing wound ache.

the overwhelming pain had been much worse when he had first gotten stabbed.

"my accuracy..." yuta says happily before his voice trails off, leading to a tone change. "are you okay, winwin? you look off."

sicheng meets his eyes, his lips slightly parted. his injury was aching again. "i'm fine, really. just zoning out."

"oh," yuta says softly. "i can just ask johnny — "

"no, let him be with ten," sicheng says quickly, sparing him and johnny a glance. they were too busy wrapped around each other to care about anything else from what he could see. they weren't even trying to train. "i need to see your improvement, anyways."

"you could either way?" yuta questions with a curious tilt of his head.

"just... show me what you learned, yu," sicheng tells his boyfriend with no firmness in his voice. yuta doesn't bother arguing anymore.

he shows off passed moves he learned with a newfound fastness and sharpness to the point if you blink, you'll definitely miss it. but, even if yuta agreed to show off what he learned, he refused to engage in any sort of practise fighting with sicheng at all. not that the other is complaining.

"one more..." sicheng says. the superhuman nods and lashes out with a kick that nearly grazes his front. he nods at how impressive it is and mentally notes to thank johnny personally later. just not at the moment, especially when johnny was too busy with ten.

but that chance to thank him never comes when mark stops him, shoving a file into his chest, sicheng's hands flying up to hold onto it. when he gives the blue-haired a questioning look, mark hisses, "check the name of it. it's all i need to tell you."

sicheng does show, holding out the file to see. it had 'superhuman' written on it in neat handwriting that looks just like gibeom's. he looks back at mark, who then says, "open it in private. not here."

"alright," sicheng nods. "but, where the hell did you find this?"

"in the lab," mark says simply before disappearing out of the training room without another word. sicheng spares the labeled file in his hand one last time, feeling the urge to open it now, before yuta's hand grabs onto his arm, his lovely voice filling his ears.

HUMAN | YUWIN   [ ✓ ]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin