11 - Ready, Set, GO!

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You were wobbly in the air and it was difficult to navigate your directions, but you made it out of the small tunnel. It suddenly got cold and forms of ice landed on the ground, Todoroki was most likely using his quirk.
You bounced back into the air. You looked at Bakugo and analysed how he was moving through the air. Your quirks were similar, but very different at the same time. You tried to copy his movements to the best of your abilities.

Todoroki had frozen most of the students who were running, however, some were able to dodge it. Bakugo and you used the same method, Momo made a pole, Mineta used his balls and Kirishima...well, man just jumped and hoped for the best.

As he was running, Todoroki froze the ground, which wasn't too great. Mineta was about to tag him to the ground, but he was hit with a robot...the same 0 point robots from the entrance exam. Todoroki just froze one robot with ease, saying something about his dad in a annoyed way.

Maybe we could bond over daddy issues.

The robots started to fall so you quickly did the over powering move that made pins and needles in your arms and pushed past all the falling metal. Todoroki was running ahead and you had to be in 2nd place, given no on was in front of you and Todoroki was in 1st. 
You took a tumble to the ground and rolled in the dirt before getting back up and running.

"Woah, Todoroki just defeated all those robots and he's never even fought them before, impressive." Present Mic's voice echoed. "And Y/n tumbles into second place, things seem unfair, lets keep watchi- woah, she's fast."

You were gaining on Todoroki already. Speed was one of the best things you had on you, long distance was your bitch.

"Hey! Todoroki! Is your dad a dick?!" You asked.

He looked back at you with a blank stare. "What?"

"Well, my dad is and we could bond over dadd- Never mind." You shook off the thought and kept running.

Todoroki shook his head before looking straight again.

Soon, you came across a weird canyon of some kind called, 'the fall' real creative. You used the method Bakugo was using and you speed across the field. Todoroki used his ice to slide across the field. Bakugo was also in the air, the two of you were head on switching from first to second every few seconds.

When you rolled on the ground, you got back up and started running. Bakugo had landed right next to you with a big exlposion, strong enough to send you back.

"Jerk!" You yelled as you flew back.

You rolled across the floor, but used your hands to skid to a stop. More people were in front of you now, you were much further back than you wished you were. You didn't stop to sulk however, you just started running.

You past many people quickly, given your awesome...duh. You moved your energy to you're legs and powered on from that. You eventually made it to the last obstacle. You smirked as you could glide over this.
You jumped and placed your hands behind you as you pushed yourself over the mines. People flew in the air, left from right. Ahead of you, you saw Midoriya, Bakugo and Todoroki fight for 1st. You were far behind, no thanks to Bakugo, but you still had a few tricks up your sleeve.

You couldn't use it more than three times, so this would be the second. You used the crazy power and propelled yourself forward, zooming past many others. You listened intently to Present Mic's monologue. 

You wouldn't get first place, but you were coming in hot.

"And would you look at the speed of that girl?! Todoroki, Bakugo, Midoriya and L/n! Hey Eraserhead, your students are amazing, what the heck are you teaching them?"

"This has nothing to do with me. Each of them are powered by their own drive to succeed." You heard Aizawa's voice.

"Well there you have it folks, Eraserhead is a terrible teacher!"

"I'm what?!"

You smiled at the two fighting. Their friendship was something else. Midoriya landed out first, followed by Todoroki, Bakugo and then you. Your picture wasn't too bad.

You grabbed your wrist and began rolling your hands and cracking them. The pins and needles were torture. You watch as Midnight gave a show and example to the next game. It was a calvary battle based off game points.

It would suck to be Midoriya, he's got 10 million on his head. You had 195 on yours. The game was pretty simple. You had to wear the points you stole around your neck and your own on the top of your head.

Everyone was crowding around Bakugo, which was funny, to say the least.  You were going to walk over there and ask if you could join his team, but someone tapped you on the shoulder.

"Hey, you."


100 views?? oH yEAh!

sorry, gotta get the vector outta me.

Alright where was I? Oh yes, -100 FRICKEN VIEWS? Umm...thank you! I really appreciate ur reading my story, if your one of my friend who are reading it to mock me then fuck off- if ur not, then thank you!

Now, I wonder who y/n was talking to?????

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