2 - Beginning of a new life

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Here you were, at the entrance of the classroom 1A. You had passed with flying colours at the entrance exam and were placed in the top class for your year. You didn't know what to expect. You didn't want to over think it or make a fool of yourself by just standing at the door for god knows how long, so you opened the door and walked into the classroom like it the middle of the term.

Some people were engaged in conversation, while others were talking amongst themselves. You took a seat quickly and looked at the board, not listening to anything. You got out some ear buds and put them into your ears. You played the top hits since you weren't interested in anything else.

Some of the new people waved to you and flashed you a smile, which you gratefully returned. Even though you had ear bud in, you could hear the yelling of one of your new classmates. You took one out and looked over at two boys fighting.

One had spikey blonde hair and had his feet up on the desk. The other stood up so straight he could be a ruler. You looked back and fourth as you watched them banter.

This is not gonna be a quiet year, is it? People are so overrated.

Ignoring them once more, you placed the ear bud back in your ear. You lightly tapped the desk to the beat of the music. When a man stepped in the class, he was older than the students and every began walking back to their desks.
Noticing he was most likely the teacher, you quickly took your ear buds out and shoved them in your pocket. Getting on the teacher's good side was the better thing to do than disrespect him before you got to know him.

The sleeping bag he crawled out of left a few questions in your mind. He introduced himself as Shota Aizawa, the homeroom teacher -which did surprise you to say the least, he looked homeless.

The man rustled through his sleeping bag in search of something. When he found what he was looking for, he pulled out a blue, white and red uniform jumpsuit thing with the letter's 'UA' written on them.

"Change into your gym clothes and head out to the grounds."


To say you were confused was an understatement, the man who claimed to be your homeroom teacher came in on a sleeping bag and pulled out clothes from said sleeping bag and expected you to wear them. Time was cutting short and the last girl had left the locker room, meaning they hadn't put too much thought into it, so you quickly got changed and ran out.

After running out, it had become clear to you that the homeless looking man wanted you to do something he called a 'quirk apprehension test'.

A girl with cute brown bob and pink tinted cheeks spoke up. "But what about to orientation? The ceremony?"

"If you're going to become a hero, then you don't have time for such leisurely events." The man answered. "UA's selling point is how unrestricted it's school traditions are. That's also how the teacher's run their classes."

"Seems fair." You say out-loud, followed by a shrug. The class looked at you with an exasperated expression. "What? I don't like people."

"Anyways, you kids have been doing this since junior high, too, right? Physical tests were you weren't allowed to use your quirks?"

Don't remind me of that hell. The fitness gram pacer test was hell alone.

"The country still uses averages taken from results from students without using their quirks. It's not rational. Well, the Ministry of Education is procrastinating" Aizawa turned to an ash blonde boy. "Bakugo, you finished at the top of the practical exam, right?"

Everyone now turned to the ash blonde boy.

"In junior high, what was your best softball throw?"

"67 metres, I think."

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