I kicked him

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I got dressed for the day ahead, although it would be filled with nothing but fire and more fire. It was fun to help others although it would be much more fun if I got paid.

I walked down the stairs and everyone seemed to be doing something. Everyone was there except for the one person I wanted to talk to.

I felt bad that I had kicked Bruno out so suddenly. And I was his friend so of course I would help with his lady troubles.

Although I didn't account for one thing. As I walked I didn't pay attention to the ground. And I accidentally bumped into Antonio.

"Ow!" He slid backwards a foot and held his head as he looked up at me.

I stared at him with huge eyes. I couldn't believe it. I just kicked a Madrigal.

I bent down in front of him, "Yikes, I didn't see you there."

After a second of pondering he smiled softly, "It's ok!" I let out a sigh of relief.

"Um, do you know where your Tio Bruno is?" I asked.

Antonio put his hand in his chin for a moment while staring up at the ceiling.

Then he finally answered, "The river!"

I stood up and smiled at him, "Thanks."

I walked out of the house and into town. I wasn't exactly sure where the river was but it had to be noticeable, right? With some kind of river-y element to it.

I spotted Bruno across the river sitting by the edge. He looked focused on something, or someone. I turned my gaze to match his.

He was staring at one of the most gorgeous women I had ever seen. Very dark skin, coily hair, and a bright smile. Just looking at her made me feel inferior when it came to looks.

Of course Bruno had to like her back, who wouldn't? She looked like a princess. That's probably why he freaked out, he didn't know how to approach her.

Something burned in my stomach, maybe it was that insecurity coming from looking at her, maybe it was gas. I don't know.

I walked across the bridge and made my way to Bruno. Then I sat down next to him. He didn't notice my presence until I said, "She's stunning."

Bruno looked at me and his face changed slightly from concentrated to relaxed.

He shrugged, "I'm trying to see the appeal."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "So you don't like her?"

He rolled his eyes and looked back over at her, "That's what I was trying to tell you. I'm a freak, I don't like anyone. Maybe if I stare at her long enough I'll become attracted to her."

I hesitated before placing my hand on his shoulder. I let my hand heat up ever so slightly, maybe this would calm his nerves.

"You're not a freak," I repeated, "and I'm sorry for throwing you out of my room earlier." He looked back at me and his face reddened when he looked at my hand.

I continued, "The scars are apart of a point in my life where I became who I actually am. And I don't like to talk about the before."

He tilted his head slightly, so it was resting on my warm hand. My stomach twisted again and I looked away.

"I understand. I have the same thing, when I was living in my family's walls for decades on end," he said nonchalantly.

I blinked very slowly. I knew there was family drama I just didn't realize how weird it was. But I ignored it.

He leaned into the warmth in my hand. I couldn't admit this to him, or anyone, but I really enjoyed this feeling. Someone liking the gift I had rather then running from it.

Without thinking, I'm not sure what came over me, I scooted closer to him. So close our shoulders were touching. Bruno raised his head and I let my hand fall. I looked at my shoulder then to him and smiled awkwardly.

He raised his eyebrows then placed his head delicately on my shoulder.

I made my shoulder heat up and I kept my hands in my lap. Then I slowly leaned my head against his. His hair was soft on my skin and it smelt really good. I wasn't sure what products he used but damn.

We both looked at the townspeople and didn't dare to say another word. And my stomach kept twisting into knots.

Oooh two chapters in one day? Who. Is. He? Comment and like if you idk like this!

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