《Episode 15》

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However, he doesn't say a thing. Nari gazes over her husband for a split of second and back to the direction of the male, now standing infront of him. "The crown Prince of Daegu, " he exhales and curves his lips to the side. The Prince observes him suspiciously trying to smell some pungent, only for his focus to be diverted to a figure so familiar to him. Yuna. She smiles faintly at him.

She takes the support of the bamboo, resting  her head, tilting a bit to her side; dig well in the ground which holds the shed of the open tent above his and the Princess's head. Her distant sight blurs in the obscure of Royalties, her racing heart and the longing to be in her lover's arms makes her smile fade, little by little. She doesn't even know if things would remain the same or would shatter her soul into decillion pieces. Her feet cold and numb stands there with quivering lips and, glinting eyes but not with light.

The King of Busan turns towards his left side and slightly nods, the Princess noticed. "Was he signalling someone?" The Princess suspects to herself. Soora stands beside her and hands her a napkin. She accepts it and and wipes her sweaty palms.

"Jeon Jungkook, " catching her attention back to himself, he smiles mischievously and whispers,"It's my name, if you don't know, " audibe enough to the female. Something tickles her earlobe, she scratches it, thinking deeply she nods hinting she heard him clear. She watches him step away. A little bit more. And turns away.

Jungkook walks past few steps, standing right infront of where the King of Gwacheon was seated, besides Kyung and his sons, and speaks, "Kim Hung-seo! You would have accepted my proposal for your daughter's hand in marriage. " he turns towards Yoongi eying him with displeased expressions and a stretched arm points a finger at him," You found him for your such a beautiful daughter?" He takes a brief pause. "Tsk,tsk,tsk..." he nods faking the disbelief.

The King of Daegu, Min Kyung enrages and unsheathes his sword. He draws the blade as near as he could near the young, ignorant man's neck, in attempt to threaten him,"How dare you?! Motherfucker, it seems like you've forgotten, whose land you're standing on!" He growls.

He looks around and finds his men being kept on the edge of sharp blades near their necks and, he too was surrounded by soldiers pointing swords towards him.

"What kind of behaviour is this?" Seokjin shouts while attempting to unsheath his own sword.

"Un-an," the young King tsks and nods in denial. "Move if you want that blade, " he points towards the man holding a sword pointing his back almost piercing his clothes, " through your flesh," he smiles. His front teeth displayed flashing, resembling a rabbit. The grin appears endearing. Ironically, the situation made him seem dangerous with it.

The two rivalries point their swords at each other. Yoongi gets up from his throne and takes his sword holding it tightly surrounding his fingers around it. "Soora, take the Princess in her chambers," he sternly gestures her and Nari, to go.

A hand wraps around his forearm, he looks to the side.

"Be careful..." Nari whispers, still looking at the swords shinning in the mid-daylight. He looks at her for a brief second and heads towards the commotion.

"And you move, if you want to be beheaded, Jeon Jungkook, " the Prince growls gritting his teeth.
The young man chuckles darkly.

"You fools..." he whispers eyeing the man who rested his sword on his shoulder, Yoongi.

In a matter of fact, a group of hawks make a commotion. The commoners run for their lives and peasants crawl to the ground, submitting themselves to the power holder. The site became horrifying, people being cut through the knives and blade. One of the servant inform,"The fire has broke! Everyone, RUN!"

Seokjin pushes the man captivating him and unsheathes his sword out, and charges it towards their rivals. Jungkook, with a swift move brings his man in front of himself, collapsing him with Yoongi. The male pushes through the crowd and disappears in the sheer chaos.

Kyung, Hungseo and Taehyung charges the soldiers and the intruders. Yoongi gets up from the ground and slits couple throats. He looks around to find the Busan's King. He looks around and cuts fleshes of the rivalry army.

A shower of sparks falls on them. The fabric which was above their head burns and the tent collapses; luckily they didn't hurt but it did burn the opponents.

Swoosh ~

The sparring of swords and cries of hurt, bloodied bodies, was the only at the sight.

How a hall of ceremony was now turned into the wildest war field.

"The intruders are not only the Busan's army but these are different!" Taehyung shouts.
The attires and the fighting skills seemed more wild and untamed of these people. No life, mattered to them. From slaying the men, women to not even sparing the children, they slay whoever came in their way towards the King, Min Kyung.

"Where's Nari?!" Seokjin asked while piercing the fleshes of as many as he could.

"She's-" Yoongi starts but get cut off in mid sentence.

"Fire's broke in the Palace!" One of their soldiers announced, before an axe bursts his chest open from behind. He collapses lifeless on the ground, scarlet blood oozes down, colouring the field, paying his impose with his life to his mother land.

"Yuna..." Yoongi looks around to find any sight of his lover. "What happened to her? Is she safe? Where is she??" He sweats with cold feet overthinking the misfortune that may become his reality. "Please be alive..." He hurriedly walks in every direction of the hall mindlessly slaying the intruders. Skin torn in several places marking the warrior with his accessories, the scars, but, yet nothing really mattered to him.

The Palace is on fire, the hall is bloodied, the armours are clanging. "The Princess would have escaped the Palace, right?" He asks himself, in hopes for her to be safe. He walks further searching for Yuna.

"Yuna! Yuna!" He calls. His throat dries at the sight of the familiar frame, her. Yuna. She's sitting between lapsing dead bodies, covering his ears with her palms and closing her eyes shut. She flinches with every screaming sound and screeching of blades.

He pats her lightly, his eyes soften at her sight but, the poor young lady almost leaps in her spot and was about to scream but the Prince covers her gape before that she could.

"Shush! I'm hear, hmm?" He embraces her. A deep sigh of relief leaves his mouth. Whereas, the woman cries, too terrified to move her numb legs.


The sound of sword clanging echoes behind the two 'beings. Yoongi sprung around and took a hold of his own sword. He doesn't move but watches.

One, two, three-four at the same time, turns around and charges the blade through the stomach of the intruder. Heaving deep breathings, the person exchanges a look. A piercing gaze. Brief, but enough to let them recognise who they were.


𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚌𝚎 (𝐌𝐢𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢 𝐅𝐅)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz