Chapter 8

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Nene looked back at Tsukasa who was grinning at her, eerily. She was shocked. How was he here?

What did he mean by he was waiting for her to come?

"Y-you were waiting? For me?" Nene stammered, as Tsukasa came closer.

"Yup!~" He beamed, childishly.

But why me?

"You see, I knew you'd come." Tsukasa said, smiling. "Plus, you're in a boundary, my boundary."

Nene's eyes widened as he mentioned that this was his boundary. Overall Nene was confused. Tsukasa came into her personal space and snickered at her expression.

"I want to grant your wish, that's all!" He spoke.

Nene blinked. "But Tsukasa-kun, you don't grant wishes for the living." She said, confused and deadpanned.

It was true Tsukasa only grants wishes for the dead. But why was he so eager? Nene knew it was wrong trusting someone like Tsukasa, she should be careful.

"Don't over think. I only want to grant your wish because your Amane's assistant!" He smirked. "Besides don't you want you supernatural friends to come back?"

Nene's head snapped up to look at him when he mentioned her wish. Can he really? Can he really grant her wish?

But it was a bad idea. Whenever anyone is involved with Tsukasa, it ends up in a disaster. Always.


What if he could actually grant her wish? She'll finally be able to see Hanako and the others.

Nene decides to give in.

"Yes. Please grant my wish Tsukasa-kun." She pleads.

She did say she'd do anything to bring them all back, to set this all right. And this was her chance to finally make things right. Like how it used to be.

Tsukasa looks at her thoughtfully. "Eh...... you'll have to die!" He said, looking at her innocently as he if he didn't suggest anything violent.

"What?!" She shrieked. Nene backed away from him, terrified.

She knew he was planning something! He was suspicious from the start! Shady! Nene knew Tsukasa had tried to get rid of her once at the tea party. But this was too much!

"Let me explain! Don't back away now!" Tsukasa frowned. He spread his palm and looked at Kokujoudai who came and floated on top of it. He spoke again.

"No.6 only sacrifices people from the Akane family. It's like a regular procedure that should be done." He looks back at her. "It was that specific person that caused this whole severance. If that person is alive then-"

"Are you saying I can save them by giving my life!?" Nene butted in.

Tsukasa looked at her, blankly, hating the fact that she interrupted his speech.

"I'm saying that if you give her lifespan back to her then the whole severance will be reversed. Every supernatural will be back. And for that to happened you'll have to die." He stood still and kept looking at her.

"Oh." Nene whispered, quietly, understanding what she should do. It was the right thing after all.

Tsukasa's explanation was good. And one thing is for sure is that he wasn't acting. But that still that doesn't explain on why he was helping her. Maybe he wanted something from her?

Nene can imagine him saying join our side. Nene shook her head in to clear away that thought. No way in hell she was going to go to their side!

Wait. Wasn't there a price to pay? Nene didn't want to think about what it was going to be. She can only imagine the worst.

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