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June 3rd 2023

Maxwell and lily were now 17, and Kaitlyn was now 18 years old. A year older than Maxwell.

It was graduation day.. they finally made it.. all of the seniors of inkwell high were going to get their diplomas.

The graduation was very huge as pretty much most of the parents of the students attended the graduation.

*After about half an hour or two, all the seniors lined up and the principal starts calling out names*

*They were saying all the names in alphabetical order*

*As time went by, each senior was going up to the stage one by one, getting their diplomas.*

*Eventually the principal started doing the M's*

Principal: *calls out Maxwell's name*

Maxwell: *walks up to the stage with pride as he goes over to the principal to shake their hand and was handed his diploma.*

*The principal backs off as Maxwell stands infront of the stand and microphone as he had prepared a speech*

Maxwell: *proceeds to read out his speech* This has certainly been a long journey. There were times that were really good. There were times when they were really bad, and horrible. There were times where I had success. And I had times where I just didn't get the lesson at all and I would end up not learning anything.

*Some people in the crowd laugh at that comment*

Maxwell: *continues his speech* although these 4 years have not been perfect.. as a matter a fact, I didn't think I was gonna make it out okay. I've heard many stories about peoples experience in high school and how for some people, it was horrible and that you wouldn't want to relive it. Well for me.. I kinda had an in between experience. While yes, I did get picked on, I did get stressed at times, especially with hard assignments, exams, and stuff like that. And sometimes it would be extremely hard for me to focus in class. But on the other hand, I had friends and peers that have helped me through whatever I was going through. These people are the people that help me to push forward. My sister, my other siblings, my friends. And.. *turns his head to where Kaitlyn was and looks at her with a smile* my wonderful and amazing Girlfriend. They've always had my back. And without them... I think I probably wouldn't even make it past freshmen year.

I also wanna thank some of my teachers, and the staff, who had tried their hardest to do their job and were actually willing to help when I needed it. And how they have taught me so much. And hopefully I never forget how much they taught me and made me the person I am today. And especially because some of my siblings actually taught in some of my classes, I obviously want to thank them too. You guys are awesome!

Now about the future... I'm not exactly sure what I wanna do with my life yet.. I mean, I have alot of interests and I feel like I have alot of potential.. but currently I just help people and do good deeds.. while also collecting starites.. but in terms of a career?... I guess only time will tell what I'll do.. maybe it will pop in my mind someday. But for right now, What I wanna do is unclear..

But I do hope that my future holds great things and that the rest of my life will be fulfilling and worth while. Although I am pretty nervous of what might happen.. because you never exactly know what happens next. But I'm also somewhat confident, to start this next chapter of my life. And of course success won't just come to me for free. Bottom line is, I will try my best and take it one at a time.

Thank you!

*He then walks away as the crowd cheers for him*

*After the ceremony was over all of the seniors who have gotten their Diplomas all met up with their parents as they were praised by how well they've done and how far they have come to make it to this moment, and most seniors were given gifts from their parents or guardians it was quite a celebration for all of the graduates.

Edgar: *puts his hand on Maxwell's shoulder* I knew you could do it. Me and your mother are so proud of you And your sister. This was all well deserved as you have worked hard and did your best.

Maxwell: thanks dad.. but still.. I can't believe I've actually graduated..

Lily: me neither!

Julie: hey how about we head over to Platinum Knife to celebrate?

"Platinum knife" was the name of the restaurant that Hector owned.

Edgar: that sounds like a good idea. Maybe Hector could give us all a discount.

Lily: can we invite our friends and partners too?!

Edgar: *thinks on it for a bit* Sure! Why not?

Lily: yay! This is gonna be awesome!

Maxwell: I know right?! Although we should probably go home and get changed into something nice first. After all we do have to return the gown and stuff..

Alex: what about the cap?

Maxwell: oh we keep the caps! It's just that we have to return the gowns so that the next seniors who graduate get to use them.

Alex: ah okay!... So.. how do we do that? Do we just take off the gown, go to the office and give it to them and be like "here you go, Here's the gown."?

Maxwell: um.. I don't think so..

Violet: the case will most likely be that we would take them home with us, mom and dad would wash the gowns and then send them back to the school the next day.

Alex: yeah, that makes sense.

Maxwell: now let's get out of here. It's getting way too crowded around here..

Lily: alright!

Alex: who's driving?

Maxwell: um duh. Obviously me. I'm the one with the Tesla.

Maxwell's actual car in the game is a gold convertible. But in these stories, he's gonna have a gold Tesla.

Violet: I think he means in terms of who's getting in who's car? Because mom and dad obviously came by themselves..

Maxwell: oh.. I see.. well, how about this, I will take, lily, Kaitlyn, and blake and Alex and violet will go with mom and dad.

Violet: okay. Fair enough.

Alex: but what about Rebecca?

Violet: and drew? What about him?

Maxwell: I'm sure they can figure something out. But don't worry they will be coming with us too. *Heads over to the parking lot and pulls out his Tesla card so that he can unlock it.

*He then scans the Tesla card, which therefore unlocks the car*

*Everyone that's going with him gets into the Tesla while Alex and violet go with Edgar and Julie in their car.*

*Maxwell sets the location on the tablet like screen and sets the car on self driving mode, and then the car proceeds to drive off*

*Edgar and Julie then begin driving off too, following them to the same location.*

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