The Orientation

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August 24th 2023

8:00 A.M.

*It was a calm cool morning for the scribblenauts household.*

*We see Maxwell, sleeping soundly in his bed, until he was woken up by his alarm*

Maxwell: uuuuugh! *He let out an annoyed groan, as to him, It was way too early for him to get up. Although he knew he would have to get up at this time, as today was very important.*

*Today was his college orientation*

*Luckily, Maxwell had prepared in advance and had packed his stuff a few days beforehand, And it didn't take him very long. Now all he had to do was to get dressed and get ready for the orientation. And so that's exactly what he did*

*Lily had woken up 2 hours before Maxwell did, and it was mainly because she still had some packing to do, but of course, because of how early she woke up, she required coffee before doing anything.*

*After getting her coffee, lily comes up stairs to their room and sees Maxwell in the room getting ready. She looks at him with droopy eyes*

Lily: Maxwell? What are you doing?

Maxwell: *he turns to look at his sister* what does it look like lily? I'm getting ready for orientation. Duh!

Lily: okay, well orientation isn't until noon.

Maxwell: okay, and? It takes about 45 minutes to get there! I think I will be fine! Plus you're the one to talk, Ms. "2 hours early"!

Lily: FYI, I still had some packing to do!

Maxwell: uh huh, yeah, sure! *He rolls his eyes*

Lily: now can you move away from the mirror please? I need to get ready too! *She says with an irritated voice*

Maxwell: yeah. I can, I was gonna go into the bathroom anyways, it's all yours. *he moves away from the mirror so lily could use it* besides... I thought you were going to Europe for 6 months to study a broad? Why are you going to orientation?

Lily: Because Maxwell, I don't have a passport yet. And I need that if I'm gonna be leaving to another country! And I don't know how to get one. So I will be at inkwell for 6 weeks. And Then I will go to Europe!  *She says all of this as she gets dressed*

((NOTE: I had found a name for the college, I decided that "Inkwell university" would seem fitting because in scribblenauts unlimited, there's "inkwell high" so why not have an "inkwell University"? So that is what the college will be called! Okay now back to the story.))

Maxwell: oh, okay! That makes sense. Did you tell Blake about this? Or did you even talk to Blake at all recently?

Lily: Yeah I did. What's probably gonna happen is, me and Blake are gonna share a luxurious apartment together for 6 weeks.. and then afterwords, when I leave, we will have to start our long distance relationship until I get back.

Maxwell: alright then. I hope you two will be okay being a part for so long.

Lily: oh, don't worry, me and Blake have full confidence in our relationship! I think we will get through alright. *She smiles to herself*

Maxwell: actually, before I go, If I may ask... What part of Europe are you gonna be spending 6 months in?

Lily: *had to think for a moment as she didn't really remember right off the bat* um... I think This year, I'm going to the UK. Yeah! That seems about right!

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