Blake's 18th birthday/11th Broversary part 3

18 1 0


August 17th 2023

12:00 P.M. (noon)

Maxwell had come back to the house with Blake. As the car parks itself, Maxwell ends up getting out of the Tesla and calls lily again

Lily: *answers the phone* hello?

Maxwell: hey sis! We're back. So, did you hide the box with the portal gun like I asked? *He whispers to lily over the phone*

Lily: yeah. I did. I put it in a place where you'd be able to find it. And Blake won't know about it.

Maxwell: that's good... But the only question is, How are we gonna keep him from knowing?

Lily: I can probably distract him for a bit until you're done wrapping his present.

Maxwell: alright then! That sounds good. I will see you inside.. *hangs up*

Blake: *gets out of the Tesla and him and Maxwell both go inside the house*

*When Blake enters the house, he sees lily standing by the dining room table holding a bouquet of roses in her hands with a tag with Blake's name on it*

Lily: Hey babe!~❤️ Happy 18th birthday!

Blake: Hey lily! Thanks! *He looks at the bouquet of flowers that lily was holding onto* oh! Are those flowers for me?

Lily: yep! While you and Maxwell were out, I went out and got you these.~❤️ *gives Blake the roses*

Blake: aww.. babe.. that's so sweet! But, aren't I supposed to give You flowers? *He teases as he grabs the flowers from Lily's hands*

Lily: I thought I'd give you some for a change~❤️

Blake: well thank you. I appreciate it. They are so beautiful! *He smells the roses*

Lily: I got you an outfit for your pool party. Would you like me to have you try it on?

Blake: uh.. sure, I guess..

Lily: *takes Blake's hand and walks him upstairs to her room*

Maxwell: *looks as lily brings Blake upstairs, signifying that it was the sign to start wrapping up his gift.*

*But before he could, he had remembered that lily had dropped the box earlier this morning, so he had to check to see if it was okay.*

*So he finds the box with Blake's gift and opens the box, he carefully looks at the portal gun to make sure it wasn't broken. Fortunately, there wasn't a single scratch*

Maxwell: phew.. thank god it's not broken. *He picks up the box and takes it into the dining room*

*Maxwell grabs his notebook and spawns in some wrapping paper. Afterwards he closes the box and proceeds to wrap it. Surprisingly his wrapping skills were actually pretty good, and was able to make it look perfect. He goes and finds a bow to put on the top to Finish it up. And boom! The present was neatly wrapped.*

Maxwell: wow. I really outdone myself! I didn't know I could wrap this good. Eh, whatever. At least it's over with. Now I just need to hide it again until it's time to get ready for the party. Hmm.. but where am I gonna hide it?...

*He had to think for a moment*

Maxwell: Hmm.. maybe I can have PD hide it for me, he's trustworthy. And I'm pretty sure he wouldn't mind. *Maxwell walks upstairs with the gift and heads over to PD's room.*

SCRIBBLESTORIES: FUTURE EDITION (A FANFIC compilation)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن