Blake's 18th birthday/11th Broversary part 4

18 1 0

Warning: content may contain adult Language and adult topics Viewer discretion is advised!

August 17th 2023

4:42 P.M

Everyone was just about ready to head out to Drew's mansion.

Maxwell: alright! Is everyone ready to go?

Kaitlyn: *she nodded*

Lily: yep!

Blake: heck yeah I am! This is gonna be awesome!

Alex: It seems like I am as well!

Maxwell: alright then! I'll grab my ca-

Lily: *interrupts him* you know you can unlock your Tesla with the app on your phone right?

Maxwell: wait.. really? *Pulls out his phone and uses the app to unlock the Tesla, and it actually works* oh! That's actually pretty cool. *Despite unlocking the car already, he grabs his Tesla card anyway* The good thing about Drew's place is that he's all the way in hyphen heights, which is like 15 minutes away from here.

It's okay if we get there just a little bit early.

Alex: *as he was carrying his stuff, he looks around as he couldn't see violet anywhere* wait.. where's violet?

Maxwell: hm? *Turns to look at Alex* Oh! Right, uh I believe violet is already with drew, she left about an hour before us.. she told me earlier that she was gonna go there and help drew with the finishing touches of the preparations for the party or something. I don't know.

Alex: oh okay.. that makes sense.

Lily: come on! Can we just go already? We don't wanna keep drew waiting.

Maxwell: yeah we can.

*The group all head to the car and they get in and soon enough they were on their way to hyphen heights*

5:00 P.M.

The group had arrived at Drew's mansion just on time. As Maxwell parks his Tesla, he sees drew, violet, and Rebecca standing outside the entrance of the mansion.

Maxwell gets out of the car along with everyone else.

Drew: hey! *He says as the group walks over to the entrance* I'm so glad you guys could make it!

Maxwell: well I mean... Of course! This is Blake's birthday after all..

Blake: yeah. I pretty much Have to be here, since it is my pool party!

Drew: oh I must assure you Blake, it's more than that.

Blake: more than a pool party? How can it be even more than a pool party?

Drew: come in! And you'll see for yourself! *Opens the front doors and let's everyone inside the mansion*

*As the group enters the mansion, they see the inside of it and how beautiful it all looks. The interior of Drew's mansion was modern but also had an elegant look to it too. The decorations were also really nice as well, the Fourier was covered with a bunch of expensive looking golden decorations on the walls and ceiling, also hanging from the ceiling was beautiful fairy lights, that were placed all over to give the place a warm, and calm vibe to it all. In one of the rooms to their left, which looked like a huge living room, was decorated with a bunch of colorful lights, and more fancy decorations placed everywhere. Some tables with beautiful white and gold cloths on them, had a wide selection of beverages and snacks organized neatly in a style of a somewhat buffet. Another table had a bunch of presents stacked upon one another, all delightfully wrapped perfectly with shiny wrapping paper*

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