After Graduation Celebration part 2

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Before everyone could put their telepathy headbands on, they had to really think about what they wanted to order..

Maxwell: *in mind* okay.. I gotta really think about this before ordering and putting the headband on.. hmmm let's see.. hmm.. you know what? I could really go for some pasta right now.. ooh actually I just remembered that Hector makes the best chicken Alfredo! Maybe I should get that.. or... There is that one where it's like creamy pesto pasta with like shrimp... Damn both of those sound good! But honestly I think I'm in the mood for pesto more.. so I think I might do that.

*After some thought he puts the headband on and then thinks about creamy pesto pasta with shrimp, some croissants to go with it, and a medium Pepsi for the drink*

Kaitlyn: *puts the headband on and was wanting the same thing, but wanted a Dr. Pepper instead of a Pepsi*

*Eventually when everyone else thought really hard about what they wanted to order they put on the headbands and started ordering what they wanted with their minds*

*Within 5 minutes, all of their drinks come in and get served to the table*

Waiter: here are all of your drinks. And all of your orders will be brought out shortly. *Leaves as soon as they were done serving the drinks*

*As they all wait for their orders they all try to sturr up some conversation.*

Maxwell: *turns to Kaitlyn* hey babe.. I never got a chance to ask you.. what do you wanna do with your life?

Kaitlyn: oh.. well to be honest, I've always wanted to be an artist.

Maxwell: you do artwork?

Kaitlyn: yeah. I do. But right now not so much..I just haven't had any inspiration on what I want to do next..

Maxwell: you might want to show me some of your artwork sometime.

Kaitlyn: I'd love to!

Lily: I'm thinking of being an international business person. I wanna travel all over the world and sell different products from all parts of the world.

Blake: I don't know what I'll do. But whatever I do, I hope it's something cool!

Maxwell: *turned to Blake* haven't you told me once that you wanted to work on game development?

Blake: hmm.. you know what? That does sound cool! I bet I could make games! You know, I wonder how cool it would be to work for Nintendo?!

Maxwell: dude! That would be awesome!

Blake: I know!

Lily: what about you Alex? What would you wanna do..

Alex: hmm.. I'd have to say a coffee barista. I know, it's a simple job. But that would just give me more time for my own things.

Rebecca: you know that sounds pretty interesting. And pretty relaxing. Maybe we could work together someday~❤️❤️ like idk.. maybe open up a coffee shop or something

Alex: *blushes* y..yeah.. that would be cool!

Violet: I'm gearing towards social media influencer or something to do with fashion. I don't know..

Alex: of course you'd say that. You are always fixating on fashion and stuff.

Violet: I mean can you blame me?! It doesn't hurt to wanna look your best!

Drew: honestly being an artist does sound nice.

Violet: ooh maybe you could help me on designing my clothing line! But of course you don't have to.. I support you no matter what you do drew~❤️❤️

SCRIBBLESTORIES: FUTURE EDITION (A FANFIC compilation)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें