A plan

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Backstabbing friends?

Took me ten whole minutes to come up with a safe enough idea. I would compel the waiter to give me his uniform and pray it fits, then I would pretend to tend her table, now and then suggesting her to the vodkas they served or i would Offer her free vodka, one thing I would never do is drug a girl in any circumstance so whatever the plan was, it had to work.

   Step one, “hey Rick” I said looking at the young ginger haired man

“Do I know you?” The waiter asked 

   I looked deep into his eyes, “I need you to give me your uniform, badge, and table number. Then after that go home” 

   Never liked being a half vampire but this was one of its many perks.

“Umm….sure, of course” Rick said then walked over to the back door

      The uniform was eh….fine.

“Hey, my names Rick and I’ll be taking your order” it wasn’t hard pretending to be somebody else anymore, let’s just say I’ve been through a lot of tough shit.

   “Can I have a simple Mint Julep and some animal fries?” said the very shy girl who was to unbind me.

“Sure thing, and what can I get for you friends?” For some reason anger pulsed through my head, maybe because of the overall thoughts that her friends had towards her. As a result , I said a little spell under my breath.

   “Ouch, what the hell was that?”

“What are you talking about Cash?” the shy girl asked innocently 

   “Bitch, what the fuck?” Cash yelled putting her balled up hands up

“Cash, this is not the place nor time” My cutie pie said under her breath

h, how the hell you gonna pinch me then get all defensive?” Cash asked again angered

      “I’m not sure what you're talking about but can we do this later?” Cutie pie asked in a calm voice 

     “Ahem, what will your friend be having” I said getting their attention back 

“Yeah, umm….sorry about that” she replied in an upset tone 

     “No worries, take your time ma’am”  I said giving a wink

I watched as her flawless tawny cheeks turned maroon-red just because of one wink

   She turned to her friends but her eyes quickly looked back down as she saw them whispering in each other's ears. 

She looked back at me trying to hold back tears

    “Can you come back later please…I umm-”

I cut her off 

  “It's fine, I completely understand but can I please have your name?”  

She smiled, “Ummm…… sure, my name’s Katherina”

   “Well,  katherina I’ll be right back, let me know when your ready” I smiled back 

I walked back to the front desk but kept close watch over her table… you know, just in case

   “Guys, what was that all about?”  I heard from a distance 

“What do you mean, Rina” the one who looked to be lillian said back 

   “The whispering..” Katheria replied 

“Look Katheria, I don't want to be the one to say it but your really being a bitch” Cash shot back 

   “Look guys if it's about the pinch I'm sorry, I didn't mean it” She said clearly torn from her friends words  

I couldn't believe that she took the blame even if it was for one simple pinch, part of me felt guilty even…..but not too guilty.

 “Its not about the fact that you pinched her, its about the fact that you lied about it, jut like you do every fucking time”  Lillian yelled back 

   “ And it's not the first time either, you lie about everything. For starters your mom is not abusing you, I talked to her last week and told her all about that things you tell us , about how she yells at you, comes home wasted and physically attacks you, but what surprised me was how normal she seemed”  Lillian raged on 

Can it get any worse

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