WTF Azenthos POV:

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The guy up top is Azenthos/Ashton but feel free to imagin who ever you wish

It gets weird

Azenthos POV:

I had wandered the earth to find this girl, for 200 years I found no peace knowing that my powers layered through the bloodline of the Petrozavodsk family. I had been imprisoned on the depressing land of Earth.

It was hard to think that only 200 years ago my wings were fixed on back and that had all my godly straight, but now I was nothing but a useless weasel, a weakling at that. I couldn't even teleport to Hell anymore

My powers were bound by the greatest sorcerer who had ever lived, some even said that she was stronger than the Titans but nothing would have warned me that the young girl would come wishing death on me. Her name was Selene Petrozavodsk.

I knew her father, ahh I mean I killed her father and some of her siblings but still that doesn't justify anything, I am God of Hell I get to kill who I wanted when I wanted, matter of fact you should be thankful if you got killed in such a way.

Her father Marosas, was my most trusted deputy on earth and made sure that chaos doesn't make its way to Earth from Andormia. I made sure he and his family were well taken care of, and that his daughters wouldn't lift a single finger.

his wife was the most spoiled human I had ever meant. She whined, threw tantrums, and argued like a lawyer. I often wondered why he had chosen such an earthling, out of all the beautiful women of Andormia he chose a white, blonde, Britney.

But one thing changed our close bond.

His daughter.

Selene was the most beautiful women I had ever set my two eyes on, she had the most gorgeous eyes in the universe, the moment you set your eyes on her it's as if she had put you into a hypnotizing state, her eyes were green but a rare type of scarlet green color fit in an almond shell, her hair was of a raven deep and dark color,

Her hair filled with wavy curls, silky and long. Her very body was mesmerizing, the why her hourglass figure slid down how her waist was small yet perfect and her hips as wide as needed, her butt round and smooth.

She had the very skin of a Golden ivy goodness, her skin so clear and bright the way two little rosebuds sat on her cheeks each time she smiled, her ivory skin had you on your knees. Her voice was like a whisper of hope, a smooth calming tone, music to my ears. Every time she spoke she had you thinking of all the positions you could have her in.

The problem was that all Gods from all walks of the universe came just to feast their eyes on her beauty, every one knew she was the bride to have no matter the price of struggle.

"I have been searching for a queen" I said to Marosas

"Mhmm" he grunted

"How old is Selene" I asked slowly trying to get to the point

"She's twenty three, why" he asked with his voice filled with suspicion

"It's just that......ahhh......we have been good friends for some time" I lied

I had never really "talked" to Selene, we never were very close nor did we have much of the same friends either, the only time I had talked to the quiet beauty was when she asked me for a ride to school on my wings

I tried to tell myself that I was the King of Hell and that I would put my grunge down for anyone but she wasn't "anyone" she was Selene . ~

" so...." Marosas replied

"I was thinking if I could take her hand and make her queen of Andormia, you ....uh make her my wife" I said while fidget my fingers,

the God of hell fidgeting his fingers for a human girl

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