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The girl above is Alvara
enjoy (:

I can’t even begin to explain the amounts of beauty this odd woman had, her hair was of a distal color, each curl that sat on each side of her head was coiled to perfection in a shiny Bronze shade, her very skin was deeper than caramel, and upon her perfect golden fawn skin placed a perfect tiny black dot, probably a beauty mark. She wore a black and purple gown with instances of gold sequins around the dress, the dress was quite long, long enough to cover her feet completely. 

        “Why am I here?” Was the first question I could think of asking 

“I summoned you” she said in a calm silky tone 

    “What do you mean?” I asked very confused  

“It means that I used my magic to connect to you and lead you here” she said 

   “Why?” I simply asked 

“Because your magic is sprouting and you need to learn how to control it” she said giving me a warm smile

    “I don’t even know you” I said in anger 

“I’ve been lied to so many times today, I would rather leave than have someone lie to me for the hundredth time!” I shouted in angered voice while heading towards the door

    As I was about to open the door she yelled out, “I know about Selene”

“How?” I said turning around to face her 

      “She was my best friend” she said as her eyes became watery 

“How is that even possible?” I asked confused over the fact that she could have been her best friend when Selene died hundreds of years ago

    “Magic keeps my soul alive” she explained 

“You're a witch?” I asked surprised 

    “Yes, I am a witch, a very old one at that.” She said 

“So what do you want with me and how did you know my magic began to work ?” I asked 

      “To answer your first question, Selene left me with one simple job which was to kill you but over the years I found it hard to commit such an act so instead I want to teach you how to use your magic if you allow me to” she said in a warm and calm voice 

“Why should I trust you?” I asked her walking closer 

    “How do I know that you're even a witch?” I asked, I had been lied to too many times in the matter of two day or should I say two weeks.

   “I am a witch, no doubt about that, if you want proof I’ll give it to you” she said 

“I am going to levitate this table” she said pointing to the wooden table beside her 

   She took a deep breath, held her hands up, and closed her eyes. Nothing happened for 30 whole seconds

“Nothings happening” I said, growing more impatient as the seconds ticked but all she ignored my remark

   Suddenly the table started to slowly move from the floor below it as she steadily raised her hands, the more she raised her hands the higher the table got. To say the least I was beyond amazed, it was nothing I had ever seen before quite literally . She began to raise the table back down with a loud thud the table was back on she floor, like nothing happened 

     She opened her eyes back up, “does that sum it up”  

“How…..how did you do that” I stuttered

    “That was basic Voodoo but what you can do is much stronger if you allow me to help you” she said with a caring smile 

“I…I still don’t know your name” I said after remembering she didn’t mention it

    “My name is Alvara Venturi Agalina” she answered 

“I want help, I need the help Alvara” I said stepping closer to her 

   “And you shall receive all I can provide” she cheerfully 

I hope yall liked this part

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