Fallen angels??

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hehhehe you know what to do

“But you, you are a pure Petrozavodsk, filled with enough magic to kill a demon” he said tilting my head up to face he’s impressed sparkling eyes 

    As I took in this information, I couldn’t help but wonder how I could possibly have magic inside me when I’ve never done anything close to abnormal.

        Is this fucking Harry Potter 

“How exactly do I have magic? I'm just me, nothing special ” I asked feeling nothing but admiration over the fact that I was a fucking witch

     “You have a strong kind of magic, probably the strongest kind there is” he said 

“It’s called expression, and with expression comes power and control but to have control is to be able to handle your own over-acting powers”.

    “So that means, I could kill you if I wanted to” I said raising my eyebrows 

“Not exactly” he said annoyed 

    “And what does that mean”  I  asked intrigued 

“It means I won’t tell you” he said clearly angered about the fact 

  “Awww, come on, I wouldn’t kill you, I probably couldn’t” I said jokingly 

“You’d be surprised about what you're able to do” he said 

       “So I can?” I said as he finally let go of my hand 

He ignored my question and honestly I was glad he did cause  when he said I was very powerful with the right training, it scared me knowing that all these powers grew within me.

      I walked to the bed that was in the center of the room, it was soft compared to the left at home. As I sat on the bed I began to think about he’s offer. It wasn’t right yet it felt like what I needed to do, I know he killed Selene but that was long ago.

      Even though he was the Devil according to himself, I still found comfort in his company and the sad truth is that he was right, I had nobody, no parents, no real friends, just a very miserable life but he made me feel something I never felt before, something sparked inside of me and I tried not to think of it so he wouldn’t find out but I felt like something was swanking in my soul the more time I spent with him and the part that frustrating but I wanted to get to know him”

    “I know” Ashton said 

“Huh” I said coming out of my thoughts 

  “I can hear  your thoughts” he said 

“Wa….how” I said forgetting that he can read every single thought I’ve ever had 

     “T doesn’t matter how, but I feel the same. The day I saw you at the bar was a mistake, my sorcerer hadn’t detected you but something inside my stone cold heart blossomed before I had set eyes on you. Your eyes were by far the only thing that drew me in, you began talking with your friends fidgeting with your fingers which I found adorable. Your humble yet sassy personality made me want you even more. I don’t know if it’s even possible to fall for someone but-“ he tried to continue but I quickly stopped him and stood up from the soft velvety bed I sat on

    “Shush” I said getting closer 

“I wanted you before I knew you, I craved you before I settled my eyes and opened your luscious body, months before this. You see I had dreams of you night and day and they were simple, sometimes you would be a cashier and other times my best friend. The dreams came every day since the day I turned seventeen but I never thought to connect any dots because I had none.” I said getting even closer 

      “To me they were pointless, just a product of my imagination, I never really thought about it. In every instance of the dreams I had to save you from someone or something it would’ve been as small as helping you not get a tardy to class or from some type of killer. It never occurred to me until last night but even then I was confused, I knew you looked familiar but didn’t care to think about why you did. I continued

“ Come to think of it, I didn't  have a dream of you today.” I said as I took my last step, looking into his eyes 

      “I…I don’t know what to say, I’ve never seen something like this before. You would think Selene would make it harder for me but it seems like the magic inside you lead you right to me” he said amazed by the surprising truth

     “Umm, not to break this er perfect moment but I’ve been in these clothes for two days and been in the underwear I’m wearing is er-“   

“Wet?” Huh he said cutting me off

        This guy loves cutting me off, smh 

“Umm… yeah pretty much” I said hiding my face in my hands from the embarrassment 

     “It’s fine, and…umm you’ve been here for two weeks matter of fact there’s a search party taking place right now as we speak” he said rubbing the back of his head 

  “I’ve been here for two fucking weeks, how in the mother fucking hell!” I shouted 

        “I put a umm sleeping spell of you, actually you were supposed to wake up in a month but planes don’t always work” he said grinning 

   A month!?

“What goes through your head for you to think like that, I have a job and education to get to. You're taking me home right now!” I yelled 

     “I kinda can’t” he objected 

 I got close and pulled his left ear not caring that he was the letiral Devil “Look, I’m not playing your stupid games, I have a life that I have worked so hard on so if you think that your idiotic self will ruin my fucking success you mighty wrong”

    He harshly took my hand off his ears and looked at me, eyes filled with anger but I didn’t look down like I usually would, when I said something changed inside me I meant it 

 “Who do you think your talking to, are you forgetting that I can end you worthless human life in a slit second, are you forgetting that I am the fucking Devil” he said with his voice filled of anger 

   Bipolar much smh

      What he said hurt me but I didn’t care because he was the one who needed me.

“I’m worthless you say? You're useless without me, you practically need me to survive, you know damn well the Titans will conquer Andormia without my help. Is it not you who less than a minute just told me he fell for me the moment he saw me or was that all for act. You have no right to call me fucking worthless”. Tiers fell from my swollen eyes but nothing but rage filled my heart

    The room went black

hehehehehhe the end

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