Its complicated in a way

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enjoy babes

  “How did I get behind  me in the speed of life you say er I mean thought? He said getting closer looking deeper into my eyes.

As he continued to search my eyes I felt my nippels harden and my pussy become wetter the more the time went on. I didn’t know him despite the fact that I needed him.

    “I can smell your pussy desperately wanting me” he said lust dripping from the words he said 

I just want to wrap my lips around his dick, I thought to myself 

      “Oh do you want” he replied to my thoughts 

Damn it again  

I could see right through his gray baggy sweats that he too wanted me. I got closer to him one inch at a time and he did the same until I was as close as I could possibly get, I got on my tip    toes as he was more than a foot above me, then whispered into his ears

       “I’m not that easy” 

I left a look of  shock on his adorable face, and just as I began to walk out I felt something pull me back. His rough muscular hand wrapped around my small neck leaving red marks on my tan sedimentary skin

  “Don’t you dare walk away from me” he  growled loud enough for me to shudder 

My smart mouth got the best of me, “ and what would you do about that “

   “I would fuck you night and day until every living thing in the universe hears your screams of pleasure,” he said only making my pussy growl for him more than it already was.

  “You wouldn’t?” I questioned, getting closer and closer 

“You want this just as much as I do maybe, even more, I know your arousal is only building up the more we talk so why don’t we just stop the talking and get to fucking” he said lust filling his pupils 

     “No, no I don’t…. don’t want this,” I said even though I wanted it, no, more like I needed it.

“Katheria, I can read your every thought, smell the wetness seeping from your waiting pussy, I can feel you arouse fuming off of you only making me harder.'' He said 

      “Did you just call me Katheria?” I said taken back by the name he called me by, I had begun to prefer cutie pie  more than any other nickname I had ever been given

 “Is that a problem? I mean that is your name” he said grinning  

“, it’s just that you usually call me cu-“

“-Cutie pie,” he said cutting me off 

“Yeah, I guess,” I said looking down in embarrassment that in two days this man had gotten to me 

       “So you do like the nickname, huh” he smirked, taking his hand away from my neck to lift my chin to look at him.

We stared into each other's souls until he broke off the staring contest and without any type of warning he grabbed my hand and began running through the halls until he got to a long black door, he proceeded to open the door to a dark pinkish/reddish room. 

   “I know what you feel for me is powerful, we were meant to be. I knew your great, great, great, great grandmother Selene. You see she was a powerful sorcerer very gorgeous too, almost like you but there’s something better about you. Anyways, I sorta loved her and-l

I stopped him from continuing 

     “What do you mean you knew my great-great-grandmother” I questioned him confused 

“ I knew your great( x2) grandmother” he corrected 

    “How, how did you know her….. how old are you exactly” I asked trying to let loose from his grip but miserably failed 

“I've been in existence for a very long time but I have only been known as the Devil for 4,032 years after my father died.” He said as if he was recalling a distance memory 

     “Ah, sorry for your loss,” I said, trying so hard to sound sincere given the circumstances, I mean shouldn’t I be happy that the Devil died? 

“Thank you, I appreciate it,” he said righting his grip around my arms 

   “So about the part when you said you were “sorta in love” with her,” I said with a bit of jealousy from the fact that he could have loved somebody else even if it my great whatever mother

     “No need to feel bitter, I killed her father after he wouldn’t let me marry her, to sum it all up she got mad, became the most powerful sorcerer in the world, found me then bounded my powers into her bloodline. The end” he said swirly 

     “If it was in my bloodline why didn’t you go after her kids or my mother and her mom, you get the jeez” I asked him

       “Will, in the beginning I was just gonna take her daughter but turns out she never married or had children and to make matters  worse she killed her siblings just so that there could be no way of ever unbinding me but what she didn’t know is that her father had an affair with another women, after talking to a sorcerer he told me the Petrozavodsk blood had been found in your mother but the problem was that apparently Selene let the magic only be given to the 6th generation, meaning your mother was pointless for my needs but you, you're perfect” he said matter of factly 

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