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Guys if I have any wordy mistakes, plz forgive me
Enjoy :)

He looked nothing like I expected, He appeared roughly 23 or 25, had a sharp low cut chiseled jaw with the most gorgeous dimples I had ever seen, he had light almond shaped green hazel eyes, with thick dark black eyebrows.

His skin was so perfectly clear,of an ochre color, much like the mellow-brown light that bathed the forest in the distance, so deep yet warm. His face was like the fire-gold glow of dawn, lifting my gaze, drawing me in."

He had a sandy complexion, smooth and tawny, His lips were so perfectly light pink and plump yet not too big, almost the perfect size, and when he smirked his dimples let loose an uplifting dwanty color.

In the back of my head a perfect picture ran through, his lips on mine pressing softly, Katherina snap out of this I told myself.

His dark, thick and full curly hair was by far the most attractive thing about him to say the least, the way it went a bit past his ear and swiped to the side, it almost reminded me of a distant memory I had of my late grandmother, his hair was as deep as the color of the Calla lilies we used to pick in the fall.

I knew this was not at all crushing on a boy but there was something about him sorta different in a mysterious way kinda drawing me him. His very aura was hypnotic. It almost seemed like I knew him from somewhere, maybe a dream but I couldn't quite pinpoint it.

"Impressed." He smirked letting his adorable dimples pop.

"I don't know you nor do I want to die, why can't you leave me alone? " I asked him hoping he would be more remorseful.

"And why would I do that after taking a lifetime searching for you, and for a clumsy human you sure were hard to find" he chuckled.

"What do you mean a lifetime, and how did you know I was here, wait how did I get here" my eyes fluttered trying to figure out what he meant but instead more questions ran through my mind as I asked him.

"You may seem frail but you sure do love a good Vodka bottle"

he laughed, "you see your the missing key to unbound my powers, aka your blood" He said in a stearn encouraging tone.

I wanted to run but my legs stayed bound, my arms felt as if they were tied up in a tight knot, so my only choice was to scream and hope that someone or even something heard me.

"HELP, HEL-'' I tried to scream but instead Ashton's hands quickly met my mouth, muting and stopping me from screaming.

"Now, now , I don't want to kill you nor do I want to hurt you, but if I have to I will" he said annoyed, slowly dragging his other hand to my neck which made my body react in an unusual way, his touch had me breathing heavily making a tingling sensation down there.

"Who even are you?" I asked him after he had removed his hand from my mouth, for I had never seen him around our little town.

" Like I said My name is Azenthos but call me Ashton because we're in for a wild ride cutie pie." he said then grasped my small waist with his gigantic hand, I let out a gasp

"That's not my na- what are we- what are you doing?!! I yelled.

He looked into my round hazel nutmeg eyes. ''Shush, cutie pie, just trust me" he smirked.

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