Death Azenthos POV:

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Enjoy (:

"Azenthos, you know that I love you and that I trust and care for you but I also care about the well-being of my daughter along with the rest of my family" he went on

"And you being the Lord of hell brings ehh violence into my home and to my daughter..... So I feel like the safest thing for my daughter is to not marry a demon such as you but instead marry a good Christian, human man, then you know, settle down and have little puplets.

"Daddy" I heard Selene's voice call

"Yes honey" her father answered

"Who ya talking to" she asked while waking into the run

I looked up to face the goodness that had just walked up, my eyes beamed in aspiration, even though I had seen her so many times before her smile still sunk deep into my heart.

''I'm talking to my great friend Azenthos Marosas said

'"Hey, Azenthos" she smiled at me which made my dark demon heart flutter

My name in her mouth sounded so dreamy and creamy, but what I couldn't wait for was when I had her in my favorite position screaming my name "Azenthos, mmmm"

"I said hello, did you hear me" she repeated

I was quickly taken out of my little day dream by the sound of her voice

"Hey, Selene, sorry I zoned out, how are you, I heard you just finished at Arkansas University" I asked hoping for this conversation to continue

"Umm I finished last year, but it was a great experience" she said matter of factly, making me want to fall in a ditch.

"Wow, we'll ahh congrats, I wish I knew beforehand then I could have put up a celebration in Andro- I mean Up in Cali where I live" I smirked. Selene hadn't known that her father was a demon and that he worked for the devils of which I myself was the devil.

"Awww, thanks but you really didn't have to, I appreciate the thoughtfulness" she smiled

"Sweetie pie?" Marosas asked

"Yes father" she replied cocking her head up to see her father

"How about you help Jericho with the banner while I talk the Azenthos" he said looking at me

"Ahh, mkay, but umm me and Jessaline are going out in the night" she said then rushed out the door before letting her father respond

"Anyways as I was saying, Selene is a bubbly young adult woman who can make her own decisions but when it comes to weather you have my blessing" he looked up then down at his hands " It's a respectable No"

The moment his words left his mouth it left me divested, but I was the God of hell I wasn't going to take "No" as an answer

"You know damn well, who I am or rather what I am" I angrily let out a out of this world demonic yell

"I know damn well who you are, and you came asking me for her hand and I told you that I don't agree to it, what more do you want " he said calmly

"I want Selene as my wife" I roared out loud with all demonic force it made the ground rumble

"But I can't allow that" he said almost a whisper while backing away from me

I am the literal devil my emotions were vague and only consisted of Hate, Love, and sorrow, there was and are no embetweens so I couldn't take no for an answer if I had to kill him

to take his Divine beauty of a daughter away then I would, and ahh that's how I killed him

I slowly walked over his body transforming from my human illusion to my over all demonic form, my white long feathery wigs popped out of my back knocking down most of the surrounding objects.

"If I have to kill you to take her then I will" I roared

"This isn't you" Marosas said shaking his head

"You see, you've known me for a long time so don't tell me what I am or what rather who I can have Marolso" I said and my dark black hornes dug out of my skin

In a fit of rage I beheaded the only man who'd ever really cared for me and to this day I can't quit take it in.

Embarrassed, I left the place but my past quickly sped up with me. You see, as I was on the run Selene was on only beginning one of her many tribulations.

She didn't stop at anything to avenge her father even if it killed her.

"Azenthos!" She yelled my name in disgust

"Selene, it's great to see you agai-" but before I could finish she began to chant

"I call on the powers of Lasul of Tiran and the dignity of Kansala of Krush, halal sel telpal kindash Phasmatos Siprum, Emnis Abortum, Fasila Quisa Exilum San" anger sprouted from her chestnut eyes as she spoke in an ancient tongue, foam erupted from her lips as her powers consumed my body, in a split second it was over and she fell to the ground but not before she her last words

"with your powers bound and my blood line gone in the death of my sons, Azenthos you will never be what you were before, and should you find a way around I pray all who share my bloodline die in the most bitterness of agony. And you it be done" her eyes rolled back into her eyes as she took her last breath and with that being said I fell to ground only to wake up in a dark red room.

"Where am I" I yelled seeing my younger brother standing beside the bed I slept on

"Your I'm my home, Selene has bound your powers and in response she died" he said with no care whatsoever, as if it made him happy that he was now stronger than me.

Sorry this page was long, ig I got caught up in the zone (:

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