Chapter 23

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I froze halfway to standing up, gripping my tray of food tightly.

"What did you say?" I said in a dangerously quiet voice.

"Your father. How does it feel knowing you're the child of a killer," she said, her voice laced with malice, "I mean, I know I'd be too ashamed to show my face again. I'd probably have let the guy kill me. I mean, what your father did was disgusting. He was a monster."

I was still staring at Dougie and he realised what I was planning on doing and he shook his head quickly.

I slammed my tray down with the food flying everywhere.

"Take that back right now. My father was a good man!" I yelled at her and the canteen went quiet.

"If he was a good man, that girl would be alive and you wouldn't be an orphan!" she laughed maliciously and her lackeys joined in. They all knew they would have everyone on their side.

I felt Dougie put his hand on my shoulder but I shrugged it off and walked towards her, raising my fist.

I hit her square in the face and she stumbled back, holding her nose. I grinned triumphantly and turned towards Dougie before I felt myself being pulled backwards.

Two guys were holding my arms and a third one walked over to me with Samantha gripping onto his arm with one hand and holding her nose with the other. The three guys were massive and looked like the could easily crush me. They were the jocks of my year and nobody wanted to be on the wrong side of them.

"You saw it, she punched me in the face even though I was just exercising my right to freedom of speech," she told him.

"I'll teach you to touch my girl," he told me.

He was so desperate that he listened to everything she said, did everything she wanted. He didn't have a mind of his own and now he was going to beat me up.

He punched me and I felt pain shoot up my nose and I groaned in pain. He then punched me in the stomach a few times, with me keeling over and the other guys letting go of me.

He hit me over the head one more time before the six of them quickly left the canteen. I soon found out why they made such a hasty retreat as Dougie helped me get up from the floor.

The canteen was still silent when a loud voice boomed across it.

"What on earth has been going on here?" the headmaster had walked in.

He walked towards me with a furious look on his face.

"With me. Now," Dougie gave me an apologetic look as I followed the headteacher out.

I was sat outside his office with an ice pack when Gibbs walked in.

"Molly. What happened?" he asked as he came over to me.

"Nothing," I sighed.

"Aaah, Mr Gibbs, I presume," the headmaster walked out, "Come in."

We followed the headmaster into his office and we sat down. They both gave me a hard stare and I flinched under it.

"I have spoken to Samantha and she says you just 'jumped her' and she had to defend herself," I said nothing.

"In the past year, I have gotten to know you through your teachers and I know you are not that sort of person. So what happened?" I still said nothing.

"The only way we can help you is if you cooperate," he sighed.

"Molly, you have to tell us what is going on," Gibbs said.

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