ROUTE - Yugi Amane (Hanako)

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A chill ran through her body as a cold hand reached hers. That hand belonged to Hanako, or Amane. A while ago Hanako asked you to accompany him - if you went to the women's bathroom, you thought it was strange but you didn't want to comment on it. Besides, he was a ghost and that was "his place".

You were silent. Not even looking at each other, just feeling the comfort of each other's presence and the warmth through his hand - in case only Hanako felt it, he was dead so his hand was cold. But it didn't affect her - After a few minutes you decided to speak.

"It's been a long time..." You said with a slight smile as you felt the wind hit you and ruffle your hair. The boy stopped admiring the view and admired you. How his hair swayed in the breeze and how he looked fluffy and messy, his eyes (C/O) shimmered in the sunlight-which was slowly leaving the sky-or how his skin glowed making her incredibly beautiful.

"Uh..Is there something on my face..?" The girl spoke blushing slightly as the boy looked at her. Hanako's eyes soon widened and a blush appeared on her cheeks as he realized he had admired her for a long time. "N-It's not that.." Hanako said quietly so you couldn't understand what the boy said; However, you didn't show that you didn't understand.

You felt a certain ghost's hand brush against yours, making you cringe and making the boy quickly take your hand away. "I'm sorry. Did I make you uncomfortable?" Hanako asked. You stared at him and then laughed, leaving the ghost confused.

After calming down you said; "N-no I just got nervous... I've never had so much attention on me so it's something new." You said smiling slightly at the boy. "And also..." You said covering your mouth and part of your cheek; "You look cute with that face." closing your eyes tightly in shame, you just felt your face heat up more and more.

"You too.." Hanako said after a while. Hanako took her hand without hesitation. Hanako was happy. He was with the girl he loves. He felt that lonely feeling leaving him just as you pulled him into a hug. Hanako's hands holding his waist as you buried his face in his shoulder. The two of you were silent, enjoying each other's company.

A few seconds later Hanako gently pushed her away with her hands on her shoulders. Her brown eyes were looking straight into the girl's (C/O) eyes. The wind was still hitting them, making their hair sway slightly and cherry blossoms coming through the open window. Hanako then leaned her forehead against the girl's, still with her eyes connected to (Y/N).

"(Y/N).. I've waited my whole life for this moment." He said looking at you, making you blush and smile even more. "I know I messed up the moment I asked for your help but-" Hanako said looking down. He soon stopped talking when he felt his lips on hers..


"You don't need to apologize, Amane.." You said smiling at the boy's pink face; "Having you with me is enough." Amane soon opened his biggest smile and said in sync with you.

"I love you.."

INVISIBLE... Various! Hanako - kun x readerWhere stories live. Discover now