Chapter 9- Encounter in the hallways.

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"'re telling me that you're going to close down the club?"

(Y/N) said to the two people in front of her, who introduced themselves as Sakura and Natsuhiko. Sakura Nanamine. She told him she was a third year student, not surprising since she had such a superior air. And that the tall boy next to her was a sophomore.

Sakura has green hair combed into an asymmetrical bob cut with very short bangs. She has two locks of hair in front of her ears to frame her face, and two more long locks that extend down to her chest. She also has two braids that extend from the top of her head to her ears. Its eyes are green with yellow spots.

It has remarkable eyelashes and is always half-closed, which gives it a somewhat sleepy or disinterested look. She wears the same uniform as you but her socks were different. She wears yellow socks with brown stripes and garters. alias was taller/shorter than you.

Hyuuga Natsuhiko he looked like a problem for poor Sakura. Like those super popular and handsome boys but he seemed like the dumb type. Natsuhiko is a tall boy with short, messy red and black hair styled in a bob. He may even have a dumb face but he's handsome. He wears the standard male Kamome Academy uniform. His uniform shirt is unbuttoned and the sleeves rolled up to reveal a long-sleeved green shirt. He also wears a necklace with a red thread and a rectangular charm.

"Exactly. As our club has only two members we can't keep the club, and no one has ever signed up. I said Sakura - chan they owed us -!" Natsuhiko spoke being interrupted by Sakura, that is to say the book she was holding hit Natsuhiko directly in the head. You wanted to go but you held back.

"Don't make me look silly. You agreed to that too" Sakura said closing her green eyes. Natsuhiko opened his mouth to defend himself but soon gave up - knowing that it would be impossible to disagree with Sakura -.

Overall, it was pretty cool for you. Sakura was kind and Natsuhiko was the funny guy, a good pairing in her opinion.

The end of the day arrived and you had to say goodbye to your new friends. One thing you didn't mention was that you felt anxious, like someone was watching you but you didn't know why. and finally you left school.

- The next day -

Amazingly, Yashiro was strange. She didn't talk much and was always looking out the window, you even asked the girl if she was sick or something! she blushed at his question and muttered an "uh-it's ok (Y/N) - chan doesn't have to worry hehe".

'she seemed to have her head in the clouds today' you thought as you walked into the big school. Staring at the ground, you hoped you were heading to the right place... unfortunately you were wrong. You noticed this right when you came face to face with a tall boy. Which caused him to jerk, but he didn't fall to the ground.

The boy didn't look angry. - luckily for him - he actually looked familiar!

your red hair

short and spiky,

light blue eyes.

in a family uniform

and a staff...

"Kou! is that you?!"

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